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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Otis Mathis, RNC Chair re-election? (none / 0) (#13)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Dec 14, 2010 at 05:21:16 PM EST
    Yannow, this buffoonery within Republican leadership is getting real old.

    A letter from Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele to fellow RNC members announcing his bid for reelection for chairman is rife with typos.

    On five occasions, Steele failed to capitalize proper nouns. "Today members of the republican national committee [sic] govern themselves versus being ruled by a small cliquish elite," the letter says, as an example.

    On another occasion, the word "but" was repeated twice in a row.

    While not an indictment of Steele's leadership of the RNC, the typos suggest his bid for reelection is a last-minute, frenetic affair.

    "Did he run Microsoft spell check? I think capitalizing `RNC' is kind of basic," noted one Republican operative in reference to another typo.

    Politico's Mike Allen reported that "Steele refused to communicate with his own staff as [he] prepared his bid from a Gmail account."

    Steele's former personal assistant, Belinda Cook, is one aide who remains close to the embattled chairman. Cook introduced Steele on a conference call with RNC members to announce he was running again for chairman.

    This is just un-f#@%ing-believable to have such disordered amateurish behavior seeking another term at the helm of the RNC.  And, Steele's former personal assistant, Belinda Cook?  Sure as hell sounds like $15,000.00 per month to handle Steeles' phone calls is a good gig.

    It all makes me wonder whether ObaMao and his crew are paying Steele to run the GOP... he acts like them.

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