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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Endorsement Vote Finally Being Called (none / 0) (#16)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Mon Jul 09, 2012 at 02:37:20 PM EST
    An e-mail sent out this morning by Jeff Roys (iCaucus Michigan Affiliate Group & Volunteer Coordinator) and Paul Hales (iCaucus Michigan Vetting Coordinator):

    Your participation in the political process has yielded some very positive and even profound effects on the political landscape here in Michigan. This year iCaucus members played a key role in the election of a true constitutional conservative; Dave Agema (IC endorsed candidate 2010) to the position of committeeman of the Republican Party.

    Our members were also responsible for the defeat of the National Popular Vote (NPV). This movement was seeking to eliminate the constitutionally authorized Electoral College and replace it with an inferior system. Thanks to you and your support we are on the move and making a difference.

    The selection of the next Senator from Michigan might end up being one of the most important votes of the 2012 election. Our Senator might very well be the 51st vote necessary to repeal Obama care once and for all, or sadly we may see its continuation.

    Electing anyone but our current Senator, Debbie Stabenow might be the difference between victory and defeat. To that end we invite you to partake in choosing the candidate you feel is most qualified to accomplish this goal and who will best represent our constitutionally conservative ideas in Washington DC.

    About the iCaucus Vetting Process:

    Due to some last minute plans and decisions, the caucus period for the Senatorial Race in Michigan starts right away and the endorsement vote will be from July 12th through the 14th.  This will allow the campaign team to have more time to help our endorsed candidate.

    Some of you Michigan Patriots receiving this notice are only subscribed to this newsletter.  To take part in the caucus period, and to cast your endorsment vote you must register with the iCaucus website at www.icaucus.org.  This will allow iCaucus to track votes and protect our candidates and the integrity of the iCaucus Endorsement.

    After you complete and submit the iCaucus.org registration form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to validate the registration.  If you do not see that confirmation email, please check your spam or bulk mail folders.  If for some reason, you do not receive the confirmation e-mail soon after you submit your registration, please send a request for confirmation to: vettinginfo@icaucus.org.

    For the integrity of the voting process we ask that you please take the time to read the Candidate Bio, listen to the Citizen Led Candidate Job Interview audios, and take part in the caucus by commenting on the Michigan Race Page which is found under the Vetting menu, top of all pages at iCaucus.org, when logged into the website, then select Michigan on the U.S. map or from the list.

    The voting is going to take place July 12th through 14, and I expect that the results will be made public sometime next week.

    This isn't the only race that the iCaucus will be getting involved in.  Stay tuned.

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