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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I guess that I won't be wearing my sgian-dubh ... (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Wed Feb 02, 2011 at 03:15:47 PM EST
    ...when I walk into a public school any longer.

    Sorry, CS, but I gotta disagree with you on this one.

    I remember running around with my cap guns and toy M-16 as a kid in grade school.

    My friends and I ran around playing cowboys and indians/cops & robbers/or just plain war during recess & lunch shooting at everyone in sight. We made a ton of racket, but no one actually got hurt. When the bell ran, we grabbed our stuff and went back inside and put them in our lockers/desks before class started.

    Jr. High I regularly carried a small camping knife with a small blade, screwdriver, can/bottle opener and leather punch. It had the dullest blade, but the screwdriver came in handy prying open my locker door that they would never want to fix. No one ever got hurt then either.

    High school, I was fixing cars in auto shop (and doing a pretty good job of it), that I was making McDonald's money before I even got my driver's license. No Death Race 2000/Carmageddon to speak of.

    Fast-foward to today and see just how risk-averse & hoplophobic the educational establishment has become.


    We don't want weapons.

    Not any kind of weapons!

    Even to the most ridiculous extreme!

    Wussifing the students is not the answer here.

    If the Sikh's want to bring it with them, just make it clear that it's not to be removed.

    If anyone removes it from their sheath, then ban them from campus on an individual basis.

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