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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well FFS, Inks (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 12:13:39 PM EST
    Kid, look at the slop that you originally wrote.

    Opposing the individual mandate...
    doesn't accomplish much if you don't address what to do with people who go to a hospital without insurrance and without the money to pay for care.

    That is exactly the Pandora's Box line used by every DNC Lefty promoting government intrusions, err, solutions, since FDR was in Office touting his "Second Bill of Rights" nonsense for Americans alleged 'security'.  So has today's version Bull Moose Party Elder Romneycare and Big Government Newt.  All a-holes promoting the nanny state in one form or another.  Example... 99 weeks of Obama Workcations now transcends into an associates degree.  F#@% me!  That's it Newt, just move the hammock from the living room to a classroom of Grandiose Ideas paid by yours truly, the taxpayer.  And the 'it takes a village to raise an idiot' crowd cheered while chiding the food stamp president for creating government dependency.  Bizarre.

    So, now like in the past, you walk back with this.

    My point is just that you can get rid of the individual mandate, but if you don't change regulations on hospitals, the cost of healthcare for people without insurance will continue to be spread onto those who do have it.

    Well no sh!t Sherlock.  Obviously KG threw out the solution, but with the purposely dumbed down Occupy mentality level within our society... that one isn't going to fly Orville.  Hell, it doesn't even have wings!  Just keeping it real for ya, kid.  OABTW, I fully expect to read your future column on HB 4024 and HB 4026 in the attempt to take down the damn bird feeder attraction that buries our hospitals in debt.  For that matter, don't be a wuss about it, throw in Sanctuary Cities Detroit and Relentless Progressivism Action Snynerd Ann Arbor that go out of their way to protect illegal aliens into your column on ways to save on healthcare costs too.

    Nowhere did I say that we should "destroy the finest healthcare system in the world."

    The hell you didn't.  The defeatist naval gazing attitude presented "Opposing the individual mandate doesn't accomplish much..." pulls the Lefty trigger every time.  Bang!  Doh!  Missed with the Hillarycare round... Bang!  Welcome every state in the US of A to top down controlled Romneycare.  

    Sure, y'all will get your promised waivers for the states, but the states will be made to eat their 10th Amendment words with imposing Obamneycare if they care to see their federal monies returned to them.  Guaranfugginteed that is the EstablishMitt plan by the mAssachusetts snake-oil salesman and his trolling chubby Ann Coulter clone AG from Florida.  That's right geezers, take the pill.  For far too long the work of the Heritage Foundation, Newt, and the only governor in America that dared to test the waters of a mandate charging its legal U.S. citizens money for simply breathing air says that to be true.


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