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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I am seeing some cracks (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Thu Apr 05, 2012 at 08:54:44 AM EST
    in the way some stories are being reported.  As a news junkie the most liberal and biased sites are now reporting some of the B.S. going on with the current crop of thieves that purport to be "representing" us.  

    When you see by-lines and head lines about the remarks O-Zero made about Obamacare and the Supreme Court and the three panel court ordering DOJ to report their stance on what the president said, it kinda makes my heart flitter.  Also, last night, Don Cheadle, a black actor, chided NBC for their attempt to fan the flames in the Trayvon Martin case when they edited the 911 call that made it look like Zimmerman was profiling the kid.  He actually had a civil discussion with Michelle Malkin thru Twitter regarding the edit and the apology NBC made.  Cheadle is still an Ozero fan but at least he made the effort to call out BS on NBC for their irresponsible behavior in editing the tape to keep the supposed racist agenda going.

    So it is very important to expose lies, smears and false narratives on both sides of the aisle in every corner of local, state and federal politics.  We need to clean house.  And every little bit of sunshine helps.

    And I would also like to take the time to wish everyone a very Blessed Easter.  

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