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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    No, I'm right (none / 0) (#9)
    by Nathan Inks on Thu Jul 18, 2013 at 04:27:34 AM EST
    You're getting confused because the "who/whom" is the subject of an object.

    I'll break it down:

    I would have to ask the Judge WHOM might satisfy the 'standing' question

    "I" is the subject.  "the Judge" is the indirect object.  Here's where the sentence gets interesting: "WHOM might satisfy the 'standing' question" is your direct object phrase, and normally when a who/whom pronoun is the direct object, the correct version is "whom"; however, "whom" is not the direct object here.  The entire phrase is the direct object, and when the pronoun is the subject of the phrase, the proper form is "who".

    So let's break down that phrase:

    "who" is the subject.  "satisfy" is the verb.  "might" is the adverb.  "question" is the direct object.  "the" is an article for "question", and "standing" is an adjective describing question.

    Therefore, the proper word is "who", because it is the subject of the clause that it is in, even though the entire clause is the direct object of the main sentence.


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