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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    That side of Florida...perhaps. (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Mon Sep 02, 2013 at 11:42:00 AM EST
    But the same cannot hold true for the rest of Florida.

    I just got back from a run to St. Pete & Plant City on Saturday.

    If there was any rhyme or reason to the zoning of the cities that I had driven through (and the numerous pockets of apparently perpetual road construction projects on I-4 & I-75), I've yet to decipher it.

    Streets, strip malls, restaurants, gas stations, other small businesses and whole neighborhoods were all a mish-mash in where and how they were laid out.

    No signs of A-21 there.

    The Orlando Area, I can see.

    That part of the state has been on the drawing board for decades.

    But getting the rest of the state to follow that program...good luck on that.

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