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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan Business Done Right - The Warranty

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 09, 2009 at 09:15:45 AM EST
    Tags: Business, Michigan, Warranty, Politics, Product (all tags)

    Things break..  Sometimes it is because of a manufacturing defect, sometimes unseen material flaws, and sometimes an act of god takes its toll on an item which has not the capability to withstand some might consider divine destruction.  There are very few things man made, or created by man which can last forever, and on that basis there are guarantees of manufacture, or a warranty which provides relief to the buyer in the event of premature failure.

    Its like that with the tinker toys (Security Cameras and devices) I sell, and its like that with most other goods made, crafted, created, and assembled.  The maker assumes a certain quality or longevity, and offers to assuage the buyers fears that what they purchase will not serve its purpose enough to make the expense worthwhile.  Generally, the better the warranty terms the manufacturer will provide for the potential of failure, the more confidence in the product the buyer and any middlemen (myself as a distributor) will have in that product.  When the buyers feel they have limited exposure, it is ALWAYS easier to sell to them.

    I have shelves full of returned items waiting to be sorted into piles of disposables, equipment waiting on repair, and returns waiting to be shipped.  The sum total of the problems my customers experience are demonstrable by the unwillingness for our company to invest further in the goods which have a high fail rate.  If Manufacturer "A" results in my having to deal with any significant quantity of failures, and repeated unsatisfactory performance, my solution involves shifting my concentration of sales to the products of manufacturer "B." Defects are an expensive proposition.

    There are similarities to all of this in politics.  The product of the political salesmanship of organizations such as the Democrat or Republican parties is the elected official or policy maker.  We are marketed, as I mentioned last week, in ways that often lend a better image to the product than is fully deserved.  The selling parties bear responsibility.  If the full faith and credit of the selling agent is applied to the product they offer, then the failure of that product lessens their reputation as a provider of quality goods.

    This might provide a little insight then into the reasons Republicans and Democrats seem to play a perpetual game of musical chairs in government.  It also should also awaken those who would present ideas that are absurdly over optimistic to the reality that they might be returned, if the performance or the claims they make are less than satisfactory.  

    The buyers are slowly becoming more informed, and there is a new standard of quality expectations taking over. But for the left, it may not matter.. yet.

    When something breaks, some salesmen try to avoid replacement, they might try to determine if the customer just doesn't understand how to use the equipment, or sometimes they put the blame on the customer altogether for misuse and failure to read the instructions.  Admittedly, I have found myself wanting to avoid responsibility for selling a bad gadget a time or two.  Of this I am not proud.  For the most part however, I have made it clear that we will not attempt to oversell, nor improperly represent the quality and durability of any item during the sales process.  If I think it may not work, I won't promote it, and likely will refuse to make the sale.

    Unfortunately, if responsibility is avoided for the failure of service or goods, the reasons of denial begin to take a life of their own, and become an umbrella for other failures.  And as long as the mistakes, or defects are not recognized as something that the seller of such things has control over, they cannot be addressed appropriately.  If they are not addressed as they should be, they will continue to propagate and likely increase in their level of effect.  To avoid taking legitimate ownership in a problem, creates more of that problem.

    Michigan is a perfect example of failure for the seller to back up his goods, and accept the ownership of total and abject failure. The re-election of Jennifer Granholm, while demonstrating the sales ability of the Democrats and labor unions in Michigan, resulted in the further destruction of our economy.  The product was broke.  The product didn't perform as it was advertised. The product had, and has harmful effects to the other products, much in the way a wheel that spins off a speeding car might as that car passes a dense crowd of onlookers.  The responsibility for the failure of this particular product as unaccepted by its marketers, demands the rejection of that sales team as untrustworthy.

    Michigan's labor union leadership and the progressives they forward as our leaders are selling their product AS-IS however.  They have no warranty. They refuse to accept responsibility for the built in defects which break the system repeatedly.  The locked in workers have no choice but to buy from "that store," and the product of their ideas.  Ultimately many don't even realize there is a better product out there.  If you don't get this analogy, try thinking of it as the PC and MAC computer relationship on steroids.

    This wouldn't be the first time political performance was presented as a product, which as any, has the potential to fail.  Often when discussions of how "slick" someone sounds on the opposing side begin, it isn't long before a "snake oil" comment arises.  Because during analysis, for many, promises and cure-alls are the desperate last hope of the salvation of their own mistakes, or for those close to them, but mostly never, will their desires to be fixed be relieved by a simple salve.

    Is the new breed of politician, or at the very least the sellers who market them, willing to provide a guarantee of their services?  First it would require a commitment to a goal. For there to be a warranty, there must be an expected performance by the person elected.  Some threshold the official should meet to be considered acceptable.  There must be expectations that are undeniable by that politician's performance.  

    Then, there must be folks willing to visit the customer service counter with a resolve to demand at the very least ..what they paid for.

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    Great post (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Thu Sep 10, 2009 at 10:21:33 AM EST
    Government these days is so large that it can only be conceived of in the abstract.  These common sense stories really help to put our political situations into perspective.  

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