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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Not So Fast

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 05, 2011 at 09:38:01 AM EST
    Tags: Detroit News, Nolan Finley, Moderates, Romney, Pawlenty, Daniels, Conservatives, Caine, Palin, Bachmann, President, Elections (all tags)

    Mr. Finley.

    I like your work usually.  I am not often your worst critic, but you are making the same mistake as those folks who think "the middle is where it's at" have made for years. Its what has screwed this country up in the first place.  And its what was turned out in a number of primaries around the country, in a process that will continue to be done as long as we have a chance to rescue our constitution from the lefties and milquetoast RINOs.

    Nolan Finley writes yesterday about Trump, Palin, Bachmann as if they are on the same wavelength. Adding in Herman Cain, he postures further, that these four are as likely to be on the Republican presidential ticket as Dennis Kucinich.


    And then he adds:

    "Meanwhile, the Republicans with a legitimate shot at the nomination and a serious message to bring are practically ignored. Trump has accrued more air time over the past two months than have former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana and former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts combined."

    Nolan? Repeat after me: "I have largely ignored the message by the Tea Party over the last two years, and find myself afraid to challenge the conventional wisdom as designed by my media masters."  Its true.

    And you may be right that Trump will not be there. But for far different reasons that are as alien to your consideration as the square peg-round hole association of Palin, Caine, or Bachmann to Trump.

    The three patriots (yes, I used the "P" word purposefully) whom Nolan Finley seems to think are shrill or screechy, or incapable of going forward as flag bearers of the Republican party on the presidential ticket, are those who are unafraid to say what needs to be said.  They are clearly advocates of the constitution, and have put themselves out as targets of ridicule as the media supported CW does not seem to agree with them. They are presented as brash, but are far different from "the Donald" in a number of ways.

    Trump is an attention grabber, and his personality, added to his financial capability, makes him very opaque.  His personality though abrasive is easily offset by his wealth, which gains him access to television, and news stories.

    Mr. Finley, Trump's recent notoriety is not as much from his wonderful personality, but simply that he was asking for the truth about the birth certificate.  He was asking questions that should have been asked by honest reporting for the last two years.  And the fact that the myriad of events surrounding the issue have not been brought to light as legitimate news even by papers as your own, show that it takes an eccentric billionaire's "ravings" to get enough of the proper attention to move the truth meter in the right direction.

    He was important to some of the tea party folks who have tried so hard to get SOME attention to this issue.

    But he is not a tea party favorite.  His method of making money requires practices considered deceptive, collusion with government, friends in government, and use of government tools. The tea party folks I know have no illusions about who he is.  But as I am, many are thankful that he was able to put a spotlight on things such as this [see video] and make the press actually do its job.

    The fourth estate, those protectors of the truth, transparency, and accountability, having failed to recognize the strength of the tea party movement early on, find themselves being shamed by political successes. Successes that are not of their making, and news making not to their liking, now challenge the ability of a movement that flipped a congress so broadly a scant few months ago?  

    Perhaps REAL change is scary to some.

    Moderates like Romney, Pawlenty, and Daniels are the go-to guys, while conservatives like Caine, Palin, and Bachmann are automatically disqualified?

    The phone is ringing MR Finley.  The New York Times is calling. You are apparently ready for prime time.

    < Republican plan to raise taxes in Lansing now in danger. | Bootleg Herman Cain >

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    And who was it that commented on Mr. Finley's... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu May 05, 2011 at 12:02:42 PM EST
    ...seduction by the dark side?

    Oh yeah, it was me.

    I'll be honest, I don't recognize The Detroit News' Editorial Page any longer.

    Between their schizoid take on the proper role of government and taxes in society, or is this what they really think about taxes, I'm confused?

    One name that I noticed right off the bat which was very conspicuously absent from Mr. Finley's screed is Rep. Ron Paul.

    Can one glean from the stories about the OBL takedown and KSM's interrogation avoiding a specific topic, that Mr. Finley really feels there is something in a Paul candidacy?

    Palin (none / 0) (#2)
    by archiespeck on Thu May 05, 2011 at 08:31:36 PM EST
    I don't understand why the Conservative love affair with Palin is still going strong. She's an uneducated redneck who's far more interested in being a celebrity than a politician. This has been transparent ever since 2008 after she left the governorship of Alaska so she could fly around giving speeches that other people wrote for her. The reality show was the last straw for me. I want another Reagan as or leader -- not Paris freaking Hilton.

    Is the void of real conservative leadership frustrating? Yes, but putting faith in an opportunist like Palin is fool's gold.

    Both Finley's column and the posts here... (none / 0) (#4)
    by rdww on Fri May 06, 2011 at 09:22:05 AM EST
    ... display the problem hamstringing the upcoming Republican field at the moment.  Conservatives spend 10% of their energy supporting a candidate they like, and 90% denouncing all the other candidates as "sellouts," "unelectable," or just "crazy."

    Right now, that timeframe sounds about right... (none / 0) (#8)
    by KG One on Fri May 06, 2011 at 10:17:45 AM EST
    ...but don't overlook what is actually happening at the moment.

    All that is going on right now are appearances and speeches, with last night being the very fist debate of the '12 Campaign Season.

    That's it.

    Mr. Finley is in a unique situation, given his current profession. He is supposed to be able to accurately and thoroughly inform his readers on the current issues. To do that he needs to be informed himself.

    I asked him last year to name all of the candidates on the ballot for governor here in Michigan; he couldn't.

    If he couldn't take the time to educate himself on just five people, exactly how well do you think he'll do with the eleven-or-so candidates currently on the radar?

    I'd wrap this up by pointing out how things got to where they are at today.

    Jason hit the nail on the head when he said this:

    "Nolan? Repeat after me: "I have largely ignored the message by the Tea Party over the last two years, and find myself afraid to challenge the conventional wisdom as designed by my media masters."  Its true."

    Trading away our principles to make nicey-nice with the democrats accomplished what?

    • More entitlements?

    • Expanding government regulation?

    • Exploding debt?

    • More taxes?

    • Candidates and elected officials who are totally indistinguishable from democrats?

    I hope that is not what you're defending, rdww?

    Much ado about nothing (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri May 06, 2011 at 12:28:25 PM EST
    Many great views expressed here but I have to say that I find it laughable to have the subtleties of a "hamstring" narrative being generated from a Liberaltarian in Conservative circles.  They are not the same and never have been.

    Bottom line is that for all the good that Rep. Paul brings to the table under the banner of the Republican Party he just can't help himself with his Liberaltarian roots of negating it.  It's a damned shame because Rep. Paul is spot on with monetary matters and in areas of proper Federal government involvement, but in social circles?  Oy vey!

    Last night once again Rep. Paul demonstrated the difference with his position of Demilitarize and Coke, Heroine & Hookers for everybody Liberaltarian Party 1972 founding.  That's not a Conservative.  That's a hippie that's financially a tight ass as far as I'm concerned and when it comes to immigration the Liberaltarian deity rates right there with Neo-Com Resident Obysmal.

    And as far as all this crap about being labeled a Redneck goes... Matters little to me because I'm already labeled a Ray-Ceeessst for not liking the Obamessiah's White half equally.

    Either way, anyone thinking that the Neo-Com's in the DNC and MDP don't spend 10% of their energy supporting a candidate they like, and 90% denouncing all the other candidates as "sellouts," "unelectable," or just "crazy." is only fooling themself.

    Hell, Resident Obogey has even managed to turn their dead terrorist story into something that now reads like Abbottabad and Costello.

    ...and the prohibition flapdoddle begins in 4.. 3.. 2..

    • 1.. by jgillmanjr, 05/06/2011 05:13:28 PM EST (none / 0)
    Palin (none / 0) (#14)
    by grannynanny on Fri May 06, 2011 at 08:02:23 PM EST
    No matter what she has done or accomplished, Palin is now forever tainted, not because of what she has done since the VP run, but because the media has nailed her to the DNC cross because she was not of the Washington establishment and the unwashed masses liked her.  They sicced the marxist loving press on her and the end result is she walked away from her job in Alaska to support herself against the numerous and expensive law suits filed against her.  I believe they are still filing away.  

    Now, let's say Jason Gillman decides to run and he catches on with that same unwashed mass.  The media is going to do to him what they did to Palin.  How can an every day mom or pop get involved with politics at any level when you have a hate mongering liberal press tearing you apart at the limbs at every turn?

    Palin is not afraid to back down from them and for this she is even more villified.  The liberals fear her and will try to take her down at every turn.  And the so called Republicans are quietly egging this BS on to keep them out of the running.  Common sense is not welcomed in DC.

    I do agree somewhat with the celebrity status she seems to enjoy - but isn't that what all politicians do - promote themselves like a celebrity?  That said Palin is going to find a place in the big picture and I hope it is somewhere where she can completely skewer the press and the liberal dogs.

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