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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Inmates, Asylums, and Tea Time.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 08, 2011 at 10:37:49 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Tea Party, Political power, Republicans, Democrats, Derision, Terrorists, Miscalculating, Downgrade, Crazies on the Left (all tags)

    As one of the first to adopt the tea party monicker in Michigan, I have been more than happy to be a part of that restorative movement in correcting the way things have been "progressing."  

    Who was the father of this revolution? It was not Ron Paul, as some might offer. Any other names not mentioned here certainly do not qualify, as it was Rick Santelli in 2009, who sparked a well fueled fire in his CNBC "rant" that frankly was the call to arms many needed.  Though many were ready to march, protest and pressure, it was a matter of "who starts?"

    In mere days after Santelli challenged Obama openly on CNBC the first tea parties events happened. I wrote about that cold first (feb 27th) event in Lansing Michigan:

    "These folks.. these truly great folks gave up the time, packed up their kids, made signs, and showed how much they care for this country.  Aside from the camaraderie and knowing you are with people who care as much about the country and the direction we are headed, there was no pay to be there, and no direct financial reason or reward.  The motives are pure."

    And as we have seen it was merely a start.  All of those present were as surprised to see others who felt as they did.  It was interesting as the eyes were opened that the media programmed expectations were proven false in the simplest demonstration.  One which was planned in only 3 days. The picture above truly demonstrates RightMichigan.com was an early promoter too.

    Conservatism found new life through the realization that the ideas that built the greatness of the country, this state, and hope throughout the world, were still held by a majority of Americans.

    More below

    And all throughout the last couple of years the left in the media, the left in the political circles, and even the RINOs in the Republican party have decried those who stand for something, as being "extreme," not mainstream, or even a bit "crazy."  In the mean time we continued to grow, expand the message to others through blogs like this, and demonstrations, clubs, and special events.  And the derision continued throughout it all.

    They didn't quite get it.

    So we beat the snot out of them all in 2010.

    Sigh ... But we were apparently not able to knock any sense into them. And with current claims by the Vice President that we are now "terrorists", Senators complaining we now get too much air time, and should be disregarded even more than we are, and an attempt to tie tea party opinion to the decades old mistakes of spending this country into a downgrade, it really shows.  They actually think this way?

    Then this Henry Payne cartoon arrived this morning.

    Although I had so much more to say, I believe the picture itself tells the rest of the tale. I get it.

    Thank you Henry.

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    Thanks for the history review . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Mon Aug 08, 2011 at 02:06:02 PM EST
    . . . I remember this rant quite well:

    And the fact that Barry Obama's mouthpiece responded so quickly (barely one day later) probably means that O-bozo already knew that he was in trouble even that early:

    Unfortunately, I was not able to make that very first rally in Lansing, but major historical credit ought to go to Wendy Day, Melanie Hall, and Joan Fabiano for organizing it so quickly (over 300 people on three days notice, if my memory serves me correctly).

    Over and over again since that Thursday rant heard 'round the world, the tea party movement (whether locally, statewide, or nationally) has been the object of dismissal, ridicule, or worse.  And that really shouldn't be surprising, given that those whose openly stated agenda is to destroy America from within invariably resort to Alinskyism as their reflexive rhetorical counteroffensive.

    However, if we remain faithful to that which the Founding Fathers gave us, then ultimately we should prevail.

    Santelli strikes again (none / 0) (#3)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Aug 08, 2011 at 10:39:24 PM EST

    The Kerry election shot... Classic stuff right there.

    President Hussein Downgrade is making Jimmah Carter smile.  Carter's no longer worst president ever.

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