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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nick, I think geeves (none / 0) (#12)
    by maidintheus on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 07:35:18 AM EST
    was making a few valid points, as many have in a difficult and challenging situation. Then, a wee bit of credibility was lost when your article was interpreted to be a 'don't ever respond and nothing will be done, please see how pious we are' I didn't take it like that at all. Then 'geeves lost all credibility when at last, the question is posed, why would one want the lame stream media to cover something just so people can show how humble they are' type thing. Huh? I know that if I did something to an organization like the attacker's, I'd probably need to get bailed out, it would be heavily cover locally and in the evening news, likely nationally too.

    The media has non-covered this just as biased as always, and we've spoke at length about this. It's common knowledge and obvious that it's the media who are the wimps and/or biased. One wants them to cover things because it's fair, true, and not biased, without manipulation of the public perception.

    Whoever the person was, most Christians would have a tendency to be a bit more supportive and less antagonistic towards one another. If another Christian was sincere, you can hear it.

    Not getting why the MSM should cover it is inexcusable and makes me think the person was maybe a journalist.    


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