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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    you're hilarious (none / 0) (#9)
    by Ed Burley on Mon Feb 25, 2008 at 07:20:18 AM EST
    Why should you get any more say in how I educate my kids with "your tax dollars" than I get in how they educate your kids with MY tax dollars?

    Frankly, none of us should be forced to pay for anyone else's kid's education in the first place. I am personally against all government funding of education - period. The only reason I suggest vouchers and such is that it is one of the few ways that we can progressively put the power to educate back in the hands of the parents at all levels.

    The ones who currently decide what your children learn are the teachers and their unions, and the bureaucrats in the educational establishment. Parents have little or no say at all. And don't give me any bullshine about PTOs and such. As schools become more and more consolidated, the school boards get more and more filled with professional politicians and educators, who then wrest control from the parents.

    Re: being able to read and write. As I said (if YOU could read), it isn't about the education, it's about the indoctrination. But since you brought up illiteracy, let's talk about the 27% functionally illiterate graduates from government schools. Naw, you won't.



    Interesting point of view (none / 0) (#10)
    by John Galt on Mon Feb 25, 2008 at 07:47:25 AM EST
    Odd how you don't allow others the same, exact, specific view.

    Our tax dollars are spent on public schools whether we send our kids to private, parochial, or homeschool.

    So how come we do not get a say in how OUR tax dollars are spent?  Oh that's right, we're told we can go somewhere else.

    Dirty freaking hypocrite.


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