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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    by Ed Burley on Mon Feb 25, 2008 at 12:22:00 PM EST
    why shouldn't she sit on a school board? She got elected, as a homeschooling mom. Or are you against fair and democratic elections? I guess only when the GOP wins, eh?

    Second of all, the vast majority of new home educators are not fundamentalist Christians - I'm not. I believe the earth is millions of years old. I also don't believe that God hates anyone (I filled in the blank) - not even teachers or liberal Democrats.

    Many professionals are home educating their children because it is by far the best method of teaching there is. Proof is that, without the government's help, most children learn to walk, talk, dress themselves, go to the bathroom, get their own cereal and milk (if the container is small enough), identify shapes, colors, numbers and letters right at home with momma and daddy. Funny how that works, isn't it?

    I have a 2-1/2 year old foster child in my home that I've had for the past 15 months. He came to us with little speech. Since coming to us, he has learned to speak in complete sentences, and count to 13. All without the benefit of one single day in a government classroom, or even a private one. He learned the same way most of us learn - by seeing it and hearing it. When he learns to read, he'll learn even faster (which is a benefit of home education, learning to read - which is sometimes not done in government schools).



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