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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Further, the idea that drilling won't reduce (none / 0) (#13)
    by Nick on Sat Aug 02, 2008 at 01:20:40 PM EST
    prices for ten years and then only by a few pennies is patently false.

    When the President announced he was lifting the Executive ban on drilling the market and the speculators responded... even though it didn't add one drop of oil to the supply.  Prices dropped nearly 50 cents a gallon and stayed down until Pelosi started spouting off and even then they only went up a dime(ish).

    Simply APPROVING the new wells will drop prices immediately.  

    I'm all about conservation too and I've spoken frequently about my own lifestyle changes since the price started to spike.  We're doing our parts.  Now it's time for Congress to do theirs.  To quote the entire House Chamber at 4:00 pm yesterday... VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!


    Conservation is well and good... (none / 0) (#14)
    by KG One on Sat Aug 02, 2008 at 03:41:58 PM EST
    ...but the big question here is conservation mandated by whom?

    A common misconception held by most people is that the government can do whatever it wants, when it wants, for whatever reason it wants (and for the record: don't even get me started on that laptop/cell phone/flash drive thing at the border...besides, that issue's not over yet).

    Anyone who actually read and understood our Constitution would know that it cannot.

    There in no provision in our Constitution for the federal government to impose CAFE standards, mandate vehicle safety features or emission guidelines.

    If conservation is to come about as a solution to higher fuel prices, I'd prefer to see it come from the demands from the market, rather than from an elected group of non-automotive engineers who think they know how cars work.

    It'll take a lot more to solve this than just filling up tires.


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