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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    They have (none / 0) (#3)
    by Ed Burley on Fri Feb 13, 2009 at 09:24:45 AM EST
    To their credit (although too little too late), they have proposed lowering the two lowest tax rates by 5% each - the 15% bracket going to 10% and the 10% going to 5%. This would go into effect immediately, and would result in higher take home for MANY lower income workers. Notice I didn't say ALL. That's because with the tax system set up by Bush and the GOP controlled Congress, a married couple needs to make over $18,000 before they start paying income tax. Add a child to that and it's somewhere in the neighborhood of $30,000 (child exemption and tax credit - and possibly the EITC).

    While I laud the efforts of the GOP to continue to help the working poor, they also need to point out how much was done for those working poor during the Bush years - they need to counter Obama's false claim that "the last 8 years" were somehow deplorable. It was, in fact, only the last two years - after the Dems took control and passed a minimum wage hike, which every economist worth his or her salt made clear would cause a huge loss in jobs. Guess what? They were right!

    Anyway, cutting taxes is awesome, but without a huge chunk being taken out of the budget, I'm afraid that the lower taxes won't help much. As I've said for quite some time - taxes cut by 50% and the budget by between 25-50%. Watch this country grow then.


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