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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    explination (none / 0) (#4)
    by arlanmeekhof on Fri Jun 12, 2009 at 11:27:13 PM EST
    Sorry that my video wasn't clear.  Hopefully I will be able to better explain myself in this reply.

    I was trying to say that I believe there are two kinds of criminals in our jails.  The first category consists of criminals that we are scared of.  These would be the murders, sex offenders, kidnappers, armed robbers, drug dealers, etc.

    We need to keep these people in jail regardless of the cost.

    But there is also a second category of criminals.  I referred to them as people we are mad at in my video, but perhaps that is not the best descriptor.  This category contains some of the criminals that are first time offenders convicted of non-violent crimes.

    These people certainly need to be punished for their criminal acts, but I believe that because of the nature of their offense we can be more creative in their sentencing rather than automatically send each of these offenders to prison.

    I believe that this is a much better and safer idea than the Governor's plan to close 8 prison facilities and let many prisoners out early.  I'd much rather impose an alternative sentence on a first-time non-violent offender than let a sex offender out of jail just because he's already served half of his term.

    Hopefully I've done a better job explaining my point of view in this response.  Please let me know if you have anymore questions.

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