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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Why should I do that . . . (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sun Jun 21, 2009 at 12:02:18 AM EST
    . . . since you're the person I'm rebutting?

    Sorry, rookie, you don't get to throw out a lame response (that has nothing to do with what you're responding to) and get away with it here.

    You initially defended Gov. Granholm's assessment that the trustees and lawyers who were acting in accordance with their fiduciary responsibilities were being "greedy," and I called you on it.  After a rather detailed rebuttal, you have attempted to save face by suggesting that I rebut the justices involved.

    The sad thing is that I really don't think that you realize how lame that actually was.

    Nor is this the first time you've been called out (by me or any of the other regulars here) for half-baked stupidity.

    I get the impression (derived entirely from your posting behavior, since I have no other knowledge of you that I'm aware of) that you fancy yourself a fairly astute and wise individual.  I suspect also that you tend to view things through a statist paradigm, and see no real problem with the nasty trend of Orwellianism that is spreading across this country like a locust plague.  I also think that you believe that you can walk into our home turf, post missives that are either completely devoid of appropriate factual support or not even close to the main point of what you're responding to . . . and we'll just let you get away with it.

    Apparently you missed the lesson that the First Amendment right to free speech carries with it an accountability (loosely connected to Amendments Five and Nine) for what you choose to say.  And there are well-seasoned regulars here who find sport in chewing up and spitting out neophytes like you.  Alinskyism works both ways.

    You might want to pay attention, since I'm the only one here who's going to bother to give you the courtesy of a heads-up.

    We've dealt with your type before, and do on a fairly regular basis.  If you don't stop using your head as a butt-plug, and start being a good deal more responsible with your arguments, then at some point we're going to weary of you.  When that happens, one or two of us will shift from mere ridicule to outright baiting.  And once we draw you out, we'll arrange for you to chop yourself off at the knees.  And the really funny part is that you won't see it coming.

    Seriously, stop using bombast as a cover for flawed logic and sloppy research.  Pay attention to what you're responding to, and learn how to weave a decent argument together.

    You've been warned.


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