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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    classic lib, (none / 0) (#18)
    by Eric T on Wed Jul 08, 2009 at 07:03:58 PM EST
    I read your blog almost everyday,I like it, but I'm going to disagree with you, on leaving the GOP, to go 3rd party. I liked McCain's 2nd Amendment record, and several other issues... I liked Governor Sarah Palin a lot, hell there was a picture of her shooting an AR-15. I thought the GOP ran a pretty good campaign.

    but, This time around, The people voted for more government and gave the democrats a landslide victory. Was it all about McCain/Palin, or were people voting on corporate America, the war in Iraq, Bush policies ect...

    Why would people vote for more government, what about more government were people being told or thinking could improve the quality of their lives?

    My guess is it is a little different for every person, but you may see it here in this-

    To me, health care is not a big issue, my job provides insurance, I have to kick in A little out of my paycheck. but not all that much. Most of my income gets swallowed up in taxes and bank interest. Health and Car Insurance together both equals only 15- 20% of my after tax income.

    To my dad, who's employer doesn't offer him insurance. For him to buy health insurance alone it is priced at about half of what he earns in a month. So at 50% of his income, For him to say the system might need reform, I can understand.

    I doubt he'd be interested in voting for a 3rd party, that would say "To be blunt, who cares?"
    Libertarian party could be too close to no government for most people. If the libertarian party can't muster up enough votes to win even a few local elections, They may not have what it takes to defend the country, or smack up corporate America when they get carried away, and are breakin' it off in everyone's rear end.

    If your a registered Republican for 22 years, just stick with the GOP. You have some of the best blog posts I read, but if your steering people away from the GOP, to a 3rd party. It will probably only help cement the democrats in power.


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