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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    classic lib (none / 0) (#13)
    by Eric T on Wed Jul 08, 2009 at 10:53:30 AM EST
    Voting for Bob Barr would have still resulted in a Obama/democrat win.

    I see where you are coming from on this issue.

    Let's say, your a voter that doesn't like jobs getting outsourced. You can't find your stance on that issue in either political party. You got a Free tradin Obama, and the GOP is always talkin about free trade is the answer, to all problems.
    Does Michigan need to be outsourcing more jobs right now? I don't think outsourcing jobs is the answer, right now unemployment is at record highs. I think Clinton's NAFTA is a big part of what wrecked our state, but To stand against bad trade deals like NAFTA your labeled a "Protectionist" from either party.

    Lets say you don't like bank interest and you see it as bondage and slavery, You'd rather see, low interest, or no interest policies, on business loans, home purchases.
     Your not going to find either of the main political parties ready to take your side on that one either.

    ILLEGAL Immigration, neither side wants to risk upsetting Hispanic voters, to deal with the issue.

    The list goes on and on,

    Classic lib, you said- "Back geniunely conservative candidates" you ARE clearly sending that message to the GOP. We are talking about it on a "Republican website".

    Right now we have a one party system
    Democrat Senate, Democrat House, And a Democrat President Obama.

    Take and issue like health care you have a Republican solution


    A democrat solution
    http://020.housedems.com/news/article/index.php?tag=house-dems-plan-guarantees-health-care-access-re ins-in-costs/reforms-would-protect-people-by-prohibiting-insurers-from-jacking-up-rates-on-sick/

    Where is the 3rd party solution?


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