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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Wal-mart (none / 0) (#57)
    by MI Health Facts on Mon Jul 06, 2009 at 12:00:34 PM EST
    Currently, Walmart compensates most of its employees with better health benefits than has been mandated by government. You can't say that for all of its competitors - namely, Target.

    If the government increases the mandated cost of providing health care, Walmart won't be hurt, since they're already meeting the standard, but Targets costs will increase significantly, making it harder for them to compete and giving Walmart an upper hand.

    Walmart isn't right-wing, necessarily, they're just looking out for their best interests like everyone else. But why spend your time trying to increase customer service or decrease costs when you can just get the government to hurt your competition for you?


    Clarification on HSAs (none / 0) (#58)
    by MI Health Facts on Mon Jul 06, 2009 at 12:08:19 PM EST
    You don't really seem to understand HSAs, so I thought I'd offer some clarification.

    HSAs are savings accounts that are tax exempt so long as the money is used to pay for medical expenses. They are actually good for someone whose insurance won't cover care they want or need, since they allow the patient, whose account it is, to decide what care they need and not an insurance company who might decide they're not appropriate for insurance or that the treatment they want is too expensive.

    That said, if an HSA runs out and someone needs help paying for their health care, it's one thing, but it's still - and will always be - no reason to be subsidizing their insurance.


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