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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    "Yah, tha.. tha.. that.. that's... (none / 0) (#28)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Nov 15, 2010 at 10:23:35 AM EST
    ...an interesting idea."

    C'mon, Steele shuckin-n-jivin about the race card with the nonpareil race hustler? "Duh bruther takes duh fall"?  Give me a break.  Sharptons' race baiting and inflammatory statement should've been admonished on the spot by the RNC Chairman; instead, Steele endorsed it.  On top of that, Steele through his own admission at the beginning of this interview demonstrates his ineffectiveness as Chair of the RNC.  Frankly, carpetbagging off the hard work and efforts of the TEA movement does not qualify as leadership, nor does Steeles' ineptitude with managing fund raising during his watch which should've been a windfall with Obama, Pelosi and Reid in power ramming through their progressive agenda that is rejected by the majority of Americans.

    Bottom line, Michael Steele is just another feckless establishment elite within the Republican Party.  Let's talk about Michael Steele and Dede Scozzafava for a moment.

    "I support the Republican nominee as the Republican Party chairman, and that's the way it should go, right?" Steele said in a light-hearted exchange (video at about 5 minu[t]es in).

    If that isn't knuckle dragging Party establishment mentality that needs to be purged from the GOP then nothing is, which makes Steele a rouse for the Gingrich blue blood RINO elite within the Party.

    So, RINO Newt sits on the sidelines with the Kosholes and Steele says, "that's the way it should go, right?"

    Then, Steele has the balls to say, "None of my predecessors have been able to put together the kind of combination of wins. And it's because we tried to make the party more grassroots oriented - not top down, but bottom up,"

    Sorry, but those two, Newt and Steele, are in lock step Party unison of Democrat Light that has caused many loses of Republican victories.

    If anyone believes that an open competition among more conservative thinking leadership should not take place for the Chair of the RNC then I'd be led to believe that they'd need to have their head examined.

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