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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Saul's a politician (none / 0) (#34)
    by Ed Burley on Tue Nov 16, 2010 at 01:08:41 PM EST
    IOW, of course he'll say he'd do things differently now. With the TEA party's success, Saul's brand of Republicanism is waning (amongst Republicans).

    If the TEA party is not taken seriously in this upcoming session of Congress (which all early comments of the typical GOP-elitists indicate), there will be a move to third parties.

    The problem is that the third parties base themselves on splinter issues - which is why the splinter the votes. The Stop Abortion Now party gets all the pro-life votes. The Libertarians will get all the Civil Libertarians. The Constitution Party will get all the Social Conservatives who are against war. Etc.

    People who have similar views to Dr. Paul (I happen to disagree with him whole-heartedly on immigration) but who happen to disagree on one or two fundamental issues need to come together - Republicans, Democrats, Constitutionalists Independents and Libertarians.

    The real issues that face us are the FED (and its idiotic monetary policy), the Wars (which are fueled by the FED and the military-industrial complex), and an ever increasing Police State (which is being fueled by the wars on drugs and on terror).

    Social Security doesn't need to be privatized. We need to GET RID OF IT ENTIRELY (and Medicare too).

    We need to take every dime that each of us has contributed, give it back to us, and allow us to invest it as we see fit (I chose silver). My $93,000, used to purchase gold, would actually allow me to retire within 15 years on a nice income (I've done the math). The best I can hope for in 15 years with my SS "income" will be poverty.


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