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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Also don't forget (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Sun Nov 14, 2010 at 10:53:17 AM EST
    That these AlGORE lightbulbs cost the same as about 8 incandesents and the "Green" lightbulbs contain mercury. Now I seem to remember here a few years ago the big screamfest we had about mercury in this country. We can't have it in our fish, or in our mouths in the form of fillings but thanks to Ready Freddy we can damn well have it in our light bulbs. Did Fred let anybody know that if you break one of these curly tailed boondoogles that it will, depending on where you live cost anywhere from $1500 to $3600 to have the "site" cleaned up by a licensed and certified Hazmatt company. Seems to me that this is typical of the left and the Nanny state meddlers. You can bitch about mercury on one thing but tell us it is in our best interest to have it in our homes in close proxemity to our children, our pets and ourselves on the other. Or was this one of the famous unintended consequences that Government stupidity is famous for? Fred needs to go live in the nether world of the Nanny Statist's with the rest of the Progressive's who seek to command our every movement. He should switch parties and go with those whom he seems to agree with more then he does the Right thinking Conservatives in this country. This assinine prohibition needs to be repealed and anybody that voted for or sponsered this crap needs to be drummed out of the party and then out of office. I hope, I sincerly wish that the Tea Party folks target Upton in 2012. He needs to be removed from office and retired. As someone who has the misfortune to have Msr Upton as my Congressional Rep I am pretty well stuck. I have no representation in the US Senate and I have a RINO incompetent as my Representitive in the House.

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