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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    interesting (none / 0) (#6)
    by Ed Burley on Fri Nov 26, 2010 at 05:06:18 PM EST
    CS, correct me if I'm wrong but back a year or so ago when I last participated on this page, you were hardly the defender of "conservative" values. Well, I was...Now, you defend those "values" while I have moved in a different direction.

    The choice is mine. I come to a site like this hoping to find strong-minded men and women with conviction. What I find are a bunch of people who complain about the GOP governor-elect, while supporting the very party that he is a part of.

    You paraphrase my comments by inserting "Libertarian" in place of "Conservative." I would guarantee you that if the TEA party supporters voted for Libertarians; if Paleoconservatives (like Ron Paul) voted for Libertarians; if true conservatives ran on Libertarian principles in the Libertarian Party; and if the Libertarian Party did take majority control of both houses of Congress, as well as the White House, THEY WOULD DEFUND ALL OF THOSE PROGRAMS, plus a whole lot more - Depts of Energy, Education, and Health and Human Services. In addition, they would severely cut the Dept of Defense.

    The Federal Budget would be cut by at least 50% (probably more like 75% since the Bush-Obama spending increases). Taxes would be virtually non-existent at the Federal level. The states would be returned the power that was intended by the original Constitution.

    But, instead Conservatives choose to back the GOP, who had both House and Senate for 12 years - 6 under Clinton and 6 under Bush. What happened to our budget in those years? It went up! And under which President did it rise the most? BUSH, not Clinton...BUSH!!!!!!!!!

    And then who does the GOP put up for President? McCain!!!! Give me a break. Who was the next closest to winning the nomination? Romney! Who was the mastermind behind Obamacare (in Massachusetts it was called Romneycare).

    Is this what you guys want? It sure as hell seems like it. Say what you will about Libertarians never winning - it's YOUR FAULT. And the reason the GOP keeps growing government, supporting the FED, inflating the economy, rewarding Corporations while driving the small businessman and farmer out of business, is because YOU GUYS vote for them.

    Watch and learn. This economy will tank. And guess who'll get the blame? The GOP, because they control the House. But it won't matter, without a true free market economy (where little girls are allowed to sell lemonade, and baked goods), there'll be no America left. Che, Fidel, Vladimir, Mao, Ho have won. Benito and Adolf won. The Trilateralists have won.

    The American people have lost - and the GOP is complicit in that loss. So are you.


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