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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Can I count on Schostak? (none / 0) (#12)
    by Republican Michigander on Tue Nov 30, 2010 at 10:13:25 AM EST
    As you said yourself.

    "His or her goal is, or at least should be, only to elect Republicans to office."

    The complains I hear about Schostak aren't about the life issue, gun issue, budget issues, and tax issues. Those issues haven't been out there. The issue that concerns people are the donations to democrats, especially federal democrats like Mark Udall for open seats when control of the senate is in play.

    The last thing I'd want to see is another case of Mark Parkinson (Party Chair switched parties) in Kansas, or one of these so called "Obama Republicans" (Ken Adelman, Charles Fried, Wayne Gilchrist, and Chuck Hagel) who endorsed Obama over the Republican.

    I can count of Schostak as a top fundraiser and saw some of the results with candidate assistance. That's why I haven't shut the door on supporting him. Can I count on him to support republicans in November? After seeing Parkinson in 06 and those clowns in 08 that helped give us Obama, and the possibility of Palin in 2012 (not my first choice, but a helluva lot better than Obama or Romney), I'm a little more nervous than usual on this.


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