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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    How about (none / 0) (#8)
    by grannynanny on Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 08:43:02 AM EST
    we tell DPS to take a flying f*&%#g leap.  We have given them enough.  Time for DPS to stop lining their own pockets.  With the loss of that many students they needed to tighten their belts instead they were doling out money to cronies via payroll, healthcare, no bid contracts and on and on.  Enough is enough.  Let them implode.  Bobb came in and tried to clean it up and was fought tooth and nail every step of the way.  Too bad the kids are at the end of the line but the adults who supposedly "care" about the kids are more interested in keeping the status quo to enrich themselves.  It is the "Detroit way" of doing things.  Look at what happened at the school board meeting last night.  They should be so proud.

    I'll go one better. (none / 0) (#9)
    by KG One on Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 08:43:04 AM EST
    If Gov. Snyder and a GOP Legislature really want to help Detroit Students (and those in other troubled districts as well), here is what they can do beginning in January.

    Currently, per pupil funding is allocated directly to public school districts to the tune of approximately $7,100/student.

    Instead, those monies should be redirected from the school districts to instead go directly to the parents via an educational tax credit (similar to the EITC) for them to spend on their child/childrens education in any way they see fit with absolutely no strings attached.

    If the parents are satisfied with their children's education, then nothing changes. They simply sign over their credit(s) to that public school district.

    If not, then that parent is free to take their child/children along with the money directly to where they feel they would get the best education and are accepted by that school.

    For any naysayers who feel that this isn't realistic, I am not aware of any school district that would not want more money to add to their budget.

    Parents who feel trapped can move wherever they want.

    Parents who chose to send their children to Private, Parochial, Montessori or even Home School will no longer be double-charged for their children's education.

    No longer having a captive client base will force schools to quickly become more adaptive (and cost efficient), or risk literally going out of business and the entire staff losing their jobs.

    I feel that this has the most realistic chance of getting approved very quickly, and will be easier to pass than tenure reform or imposing any type of educational standards on districts.


    • Interesting by JGillman, 12/08/2010 10:13:28 AM EST (none / 0)
    • Amen by Ed Burley, 12/08/2010 05:05:16 PM EST (none / 0)
    All I will say in those regards is that... (none / 0) (#14)
    by KG One on Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 05:52:57 PM EST
    ...based upon my reading on this subject, I had chosen what I said in my post above very carefully on how it should be implemented, with the least amount of trouble.

    The situation in DPS is literally a ticking time-bomb.

    We can educate these students now, or we can either lock 'em up or have them on the public dole in some fashion for the rest of their lives because the system has failed yet another generation.

    The last two options I do not find acceptable.

    I never said that my solution was a be-all, end-all, cure-all.

    But I see no reason why it cannot bring about the most improvement for the largest number of people in the shortest time possible.

    I won't speak for Mr. McMillin's actions, he's perfectly capable of doing that for himself.

    However if anyone does want to introduce this in Lansing, by all means, please feel free to do so.


    • Or by Corinthian Scales, 12/08/2010 09:50:28 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Birds by JGillman, 12/08/2010 10:16:52 PM EST (none / 0)

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