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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Our kids? whoa... (none / 0) (#6)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 01:05:20 AM EST
    ...kimosabe.  "We" do not do to "our kids" what "Detroiters" have done, and continue to do to "their kids" for generation after generation.

    Yannow, it seems like it was just yesterday that the same Detroit electorate of their decades of failed school Boards...

    ...also voted for this...

    And, I'll be damned if Detroiters didn't just elect another Council of incompetents that want to create what?  Of course, add two more incompetents to the city dole.  December 5, 2010:

    The City Council has proposed the additional members at a cost of $1.35 million a year. Under the council's plan, seven council members would be elected by district, and four would be elected at-large.

    Council President Charles Pugh told the audience that such an arrangement would put council members closer to their constituents, making it easier to address problems in the neighborhoods. Council members would have district offices in existing city buildings.

    What else does the poor mans version of a chocolate Anderson Cooper propose?  Take over the Executive branch.

    ...the council's recommendations that council members have input into the appointment of department heads, and that the city's corporation counsel -- currently under the mayor's office -- be made into an independent entity answering to both the mayor and the council.

    Yah!  That's it.  Stick it to da man.

    As far as I'm concerned, the last straw for Detroit and its inhabitants was when they became a Sanctuary City three years ago.  P!ss on them and "their children".  It's bad enough that Detroit has leeched off of Michigan taxpayers since the '67 riots but now they'll provide turf for illegal aliens to leech too?  F#@% 'em!

    Oh!  And, f#@% their 2.2 sq. mile little mecca wanting to claim bankruptcy within the D too.


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