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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    So, a lot of paint is in order? (none / 0) (#6)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 10:46:01 PM EST
    Maybe I'm wrong but this state has already struck the iceberg and has been going down slowly for years.  It's not just gonna turn on a dime and float again.  I really don't buy into running around painting Snyder/Calley happy faces everywhere but, at this time I can't buy into throwing them under the MoleRattler/Cherry bus either.

    Honestly, I am kinda liking the way Snyder is bitch slapping the knuckle dragging victimhood union puppet around.  And, he's also right about the MDP's stale retooled DeVos type attack ads.

    Snyder described Democratic attacks on his Gateway record as "people ... making stuff up because it's the old way of doing things."

    "It's people who are scared that there's a new world coming -- about being more positive, about being more proactive and about actually addressing the issues that matter to our citizens of Michigan," he said. "It's time for old-school politics to go away."

    Uh-huh, oh, but wait...

    Snyder said today the Democrats are wrong to focus on stock options he exercised in 2000 before the value of Gateway shares fell significantly.

    "I actually had a pattern of selling that was fairly consistent over a number of years to diversify from a good financial planning perspective," he said.

    Yep, I'd done the same.  We all can't be Virgbama supporting Looters.

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