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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Four words, LookingforReagan... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Feb 11, 2011 at 12:46:28 PM EST
    Central Planning & NAFTA Superhighway

    Start here at about 27 seconds in:


    Q: What does Ron Paul want to do to fight the prospect of a North American Union and an Amero?

    Rand Paul: Well I think publicizing it is the first thing, publicizing that it's going on. Trying to get the legislature to stop it, through official acts of Congress. You know any time he talks about it, though, the media tries to make fun of him as if it doesn't exist. But I think in Montana, your state legislature has talked about the North American Union. Texas has had several votes about the corridor, they just call it a different name, they call it the trans-Texas corridor.

    Q: It comes right through here.

    Rand Paul: Yeah, it's the same thing. It's gonna go up through Texas, I guess, all the way to Montana. So, it's a real thing, and when you talk about it, the thing you just have to be aware of is that, if you talk about it like it's a conspiracy, they'll paint you as a nut. It's not a conspiracy, they're out in the open about it. I saw the YouTube of Vincente Fox talking about the Amero. So, it's not a secret. now it may not be [inaudible] tomorrow, but it took 'em 20 or 30 years to get the Euro, and they had to push people kicking and screaming into the Euro. But I guarantee you it's one of their long term goals to have one sort of borderless, mass continent.

    Think it's bullsh!t?

    Poof! PFM!

    Global Nationalism.

    It's all just playing wordsmith with ideology that been here in America for over a century...

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