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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It may well be a chip (none / 0) (#2)
    by JGillman on Fri Mar 25, 2011 at 09:13:17 AM EST

    But putting money into it is something that he may or may not have to do.

    My point is that there is either a plan or vision for development.  People who become billionaires do so by a number of means, but one of them must not be putting good money after bad.  My optimistic side sees this as a sign that there is perceived value in keeping the building salvageable. And that roof will not come cheap.

    Investors or developers looking at the building internally can make up their own minds whether the window dressing sends a thrill up their leg, but the fact it may be happening is only good.

    As to allowing MCS to fall into such a state of disrepair, perhaps the efforts of repair any sooner would have put off the hitting-of-the-bottom that Detroit is now only discovering.  there are a few more open eyes nowadays.


    Thanks for the links to those stories (none / 0) (#3)
    by JGillman on Fri Mar 25, 2011 at 09:20:08 AM EST

    Good background stuff.


    No business owner outside of Detroit... (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Mar 25, 2011 at 02:03:04 PM EST
    ...is subjected to the true cesspool that Detroit is either.  High taxes, high insurance rates, a police force aiding and abetting thug unions running wild and nothing else in return to show for it?  Billionaires and millionaires like Penske, Karmanos, Thomas LaBret, and Dimitrios Papas propping corrupt Mayors, Councils and their corrupt departments?  Yep, that's "Imported from Detroit" alright.   That's also why business left it along with its residents.

    Like I have wrote on here before, my folks bailed from Detroit October '67 and the family business followed in '74.  I find it completely humorous that back then it was called "White Flight" by "racist" Caucasians tired of lawlessness, poor services, high insurance rates, dependency and militancy to now a low and behold, the minorities that bailed from the same cesspool in the '80s and '90s now face and don't like their similar experience.  Do I feel bad for them?  Not so much.  Same chosen representation in a different migration location.

    It could not be verified whether Lawrence made the payment.

    ..."Like too many people in Michigan, my daughter is working hard but still struggling in this economy," Brenda Lawrence said in a quote e-mailed to The News. "I am proud of my daughter and know she's doing her best, and I'll continue to help her get back on her feet."

    I don't know about anyone else on this planet, but speaking for myself, for any person, especially an elected Official, whose named a borrower allegedly "not knowing" they owe over $75,000.00 on a mortgage and expressing any pride in the fact is completely obscene.  Seriously, $75k in debt on a 1,000 sq. ft attached sh!tbox?  This ain't Manhattan or the Hamptons we're talking about, it's Southfield.  I can't begin to imagine how many months our potential Lt. Governor allowed that delinquency to go on.  Do the math, assume it's $75k with a $1,300/month payment.  That's 57 months.  If the folk in Southfield throw her ass out of Office next election then my opinion may change, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

    But, bottom line, even if Matty is playing a chip, a chip that'd throw a wrench in Snyders' Big Government plan of taxpayers stuck with a money-pit NITC that should and can be built by the private sector, so be it.  I see nothing wrong with him putting a new roof and windows on the "Monument to Amtrak" rotting on Michigan Avenue in the process.

    At minimum the roofing and window installation would be some private sector jobs created in Wayne County for people in this 1 in 10 unemployed state.


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