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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Not going (none / 0) (#3)
    by grannynanny on Tue Jun 07, 2011 at 04:21:42 PM EST
    down that road.  Just reporting what I saw.  

    And did I mention the guy sitting at the table looked like he came from the homeless shelter?  


    Sorry, but being cautious has accomplished what? (none / 0) (#9)
    by KG One on Wed Jun 08, 2011 at 12:04:56 PM EST
    We have republicans supporting new taxes on retirees.

    We have republicans supporting higher income taxes on Michigan Taxpayers.

    We even have (gasp!) republicans supporting indefensible taxes in the P.R.o.D.!!!

    "No taxation without representation!"

    Not according to Speaker Bolger and Majority Leader Richardville.

    According the them (and the Guv), those paying this tax should just continue to pony up!

    The needs of a grossly mismanaged city government outweigh keeping what you have rightfully earned.

    And, oh yeah, how could I forget spending money on a bridge that we a.) don't need and b.) cannot afford (even with all that "free money, Obama money").

    This is supposed to be different from when democrats ran things?

    The republican (yes, small "r") reps and sens have had their opportunity to do what was right...and they ignored it.

    Even though this recall drive is union-backed, on this issue alone, we are not at cross-purposes.

    Either we take a stand here and now to remind those in Lansing exactly whom they work for, or people can grin like idiots and dutifully do what is asked by those same elected officials when they come around during their re-election.

    From my standpoint, the former is a tad more effective.


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