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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well said . . . (none / 0) (#5)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Sep 16, 2011 at 10:21:43 AM EST
    . . . padawan; you've been paying attention!

    The "progressive movement" (a.k.a. communist takeover) in America can be traced back to the 1870s.  That's right, I said the EIGHTEEN-seventies.  (The Wilson Administration, 1913-1921, is simply when the progressive movement started to become mainstream.)

    You're very right when you say that we didn't get where we are now overnight.  The socialist-progressive-democrats are masters of inter-generational warfare.  The leadership at any given point in the history of the movement doesn't care if they realize the final goal on their watch, only that they accomplish the next step on their watch.

    This of course raises the question of precisely which "next step" Harry the Asshat, Nanny Psychosi, and the Frosh Prince of Bill Ayers intend to see accomplished while they still have the controls.

    Thus, in order to properly return America to her foundation of liberty, we have to master the enemy's tactics, and ourselves become practitioners of inter-generational warfare.  We must use the exact same strategy, operations, and tactics (with, of course, a diametrically opposite focus).  Do what we can now, but teach our children and grandchildren (along with any other like-minded youth we have access to) what they need to know, so that they can carry the fight after we've passed from this life.


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