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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Is it something like this? (none / 0) (#11)
    by KG One on Sun Sep 18, 2011 at 09:38:30 AM EST
    Regarding the Medicaid Tax:

    "The proposed tax, however, would most likely shift the financial burden of funding health care for low-income Michigan residents to Michigan consumers. Since the proposed tax would decrease insurers' profitability, health insurance rates would likely increase accordingly. Manufacturers argue that the tax would bring hiring to a halt and also reduce employee benefits."

    Is "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need," now the new republican mantra?

    Paying down DB to DC?


    Now, why is it that none of that revenue could've come from budget cuts?

    Lack of ideas from your caucus...so you need suggestions on what to do.

    Well, here's one. This man has been knocked in the media, but there is one thing about his administration that should be emulated here in Michigan.

    Here's another. You want to address medicaid costs being shifted more towards the states?

    Then have Michigan opt out.

    You'll most likely run into heavy resistance from the Obamacare-loving, Mr. "relentless positive action", but if enough members from your own party actually adhere to their own principles, that obstacle should be easily overcome.


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