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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    That's a fair summarization (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Jan 31, 2012 at 01:08:39 PM EST
    For now I'm hoping that Santorum is able to maintain a campaign for us to choose from a field of four.  One absolute in my decision on 2/28 is it involves NOT ROMNEY.

    Just for giggles... after what happened with Herman in the primary, I just can't wait to see how many wives 'ol Golden Plates Willard has (perhaps they're living in his daddy's birthplace Mexico) that the Crisco Kid running the DNC and the MSM trot out for the general.

    Paul Ryan tossing wheelchair granny's off of cliffs will look like child's play in comparison to the reams of material the DNC has to work with on sinking Willard.


    Santorum is my newest not-Romney (none / 0) (#5)
    by Rougman on Tue Jan 31, 2012 at 01:52:35 PM EST
    These primaries are so fickle.  Sure, today one candidate is ahead by 10 points, and the next week there is a ten point swing.  This isn't going to change as long as the GOP still has a non-Romney candidate running.  

    As such, Santorum is not out if it yet.  After a few more weeks of Romney and Gingrich attempting to publicly disembowel each other, Santorum is going to look a lot more like a legitimate candidate.  Does he seem like the perfect candidate to me?  Heck no, otherwise he would have been higher on my list to begin with and not have been lifted to the top because of all the attrition.  

    Jason, I absolutely agree with your progression of favored candidates. My first choice was Palin.  Then it was Cain.  Then Bachmann.  (If Rubio had run he would have been right after Palin but I'm not certain he was ever interested in this cycle and I believe that Palin was at least considering the possibility of running.)

    Now I'm on Santorum.  He ain't Palin, but he sure ain't Obamney either.  


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