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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Herman cain endorsed Romney once too (none / 0) (#20)
    by JGillman on Wed Feb 15, 2012 at 05:41:53 PM EST
    And NEWT sat with Nancy Pelosi and said he believes in the global warming nonsense.

    Then Newt went against the tea party folks who had a GREAT conservative in NY9.  Straight up against them and picked the RINO, a decision that COST the Republicans that race.

    Then the question of a promise before god to honor his wife.  I wonder if he cannot keep a promise to his creator, where do gullible voters rank?

    If Newt is the guy, I will vote for him, I think he could be an interesting contrast to the liar/usurper.  However some of our best arguments are washed away in the moral soup that is his life and character.

    Just saying.

    Romney started the attack Santorum ads today.  The Rakolta Detroit connection will do its best to amplify the mistakes that legislators make.  Even PAUL voted for all kinds of earmarks.  Yikes huh? All the while ignoring the Romney disaster known as Massachusetts health care. Something he still pretends is good.

    Nope..  No one is perfect. Boring does not appeal to voters.  But out of the candidates left, we have 2 choices: Romney or NOT Romney.

    Once, it was Snyder or NOT Snyder.

    He played Hoek and Cox off each other marvelously.  Brilliant actually.


    All that just to say you're voting... (none / 0) (#21)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Feb 15, 2012 at 08:04:09 PM EST
    ...Rockefeller Republican?  You mean this guy below that in February '09 was patting Barry Oweblamebush on his the back for the Porkulus Bill?  

    Wait a second... wasn't that IT Health Record stuff that Fig Newton's bragging about all part of the Obamneycare crap now?  Ya, thought so.  Hey dude, it's your vote, enjoy.

    Interesting point you've made about Italia Federici.  By the Biblical standards stated, I reckon this dude is fit for duty.  Perhaps it all just comes down to how one wants to make their justifications to fit the narrative they want.

    The '08 Willard canard...  Ferchrissake KRH, who in their Right mind would've supported John 'Musloid Brotherhood' McRINO?  I sure as hell didn't.  Did you?


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