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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    response (none / 0) (#7)
    by Republican Michigander on Wed Feb 27, 2013 at 01:44:25 PM EST
    I'm going by 6+ months memory here. From what I was told by at least two sources from two different campaigns, people who signed one candidate's petitions and later signed Glenn's were first told it was okay, and then that they had to take it off the original or they would be turned into authorities for breaking the law. I was given the name of at least one of the people, but I'm not going to mention the name. If I caught it firsthand, I would have no qualms about mentioning it.

    The grassroots we saw in 2010 were not all there in 2012.  It had a lot to do with the way in which 'establishment' took them for granted.  As it seems you do now.  They are only grassroots when they 'work'? c'mon really?...

    Not "when" they work. IF they work. That's the difference. Or even if they just show up at some meetings. If I have two people asking me for something and it contradicts without there being a way to make both sides happy, who am I going to listen to first? The person who works. Is that's taking grassroots for granted? No. That's in fact listening to the grassroots. That IS the grass roots.

    The "mouths" are those who demand how things should be and tell us how we suck, but never show up when needed to be constructive. If you want to know who I had in mind as the poster people of mouth, it was a clique from Hamburg. He's no longer on the township board either. Tea party didn't like him either. If you're constructive, you're not a "mouth". Discussion. That's not mouth. Even heated discussion isn't necessarily mouth. Do nothing but talk. Mouth. This is my account of a 'mouth' back in 2010.

    The one group left out was the Hamburg clique which wants to take control of the party. They were the filibustering ones there. Here's a newsflash for the Hamburg gang and their takeover attempt. You're not that important. We don't care that you are (township) elected officials. We don't care that one of you are related to the Romneys. We don't care about your personal vendettas against a couple of activists due to local Hamburg politics. We do care however, that we don't want the soap opera embarrassment coming to County Party. We got on track internally in the last four years and do not need your clique to screw it all up. One of the clique members was running his mouth at about how bad the county party is for not doing enough to back recalls etc in Hamburg. This was about the umpteenth rant and fillibuster from the clique, and the rest of the 125 people there in the packed house was tired of it. I had enough myself and admit, somewhat rudely interrupted the individual with a five word comment. "Because you don't show up."

    Surprised what 'side' the mouth happened to be on? 'Mouth' has nothing to do with ideology. People who want to get involved and ask me how to get involved and have opinions aren't the mouth. They are grassroots. They are volunteers. Those opinions are welcome. Workers want to be heard and they should be heard. They aren't 'mouths.'

    I didn't know the internals of Schostak/Courser. My gut going in was 60-40 so they saw probably the same thing I did. I knew Courser was big out west and with libertarians. When I saw the 8th results (92-72), I knew it wasn't 60-40. I expected 2-1 here, not 56-44. I knew it was going to be down the wire at that point.

    Personally, I think a lot of this is residual effect from the damage the Romney campaign did in the primary. (Rove playbook - hammer in primary, be a coward in the general) We never did recover from that.


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