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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    And yet on the other hand... (none / 0) (#4)
    by pauldpeterson on Wed Mar 27, 2013 at 08:22:35 AM EST
    ...we gotta have mercury lights (along with proposed bans on incandescent ones) to supposedly use less coal, nevermind, the mercury in the lights will end up in the landfills (I don't care what the EPA says... it will!), which will end up in the water table (drinking water), which will end up in the runoff to the Great Lakes, the fish, etc, etc, (ad nauseum, zum Kotzen, and we're all tired of the forced stupidity...). Mercury in the water, mercury shot into our veins from a government that insists on spoiling our vaccines, and then forces them on us every flu season. Anyone realize that mercury destroys nerve tissue? Anyone ever wonder why we have so many neurological maladies in our populations these days? Ever cross anyone's mind that these Lefties want it this way as they dumb down America in schools, chemically, and also gaining control of the mechanisms by which we treat our own health? Can't have control over your body if they can't make you sick first now can they? Oh, I know that is WAY too conspiratorial for some of you to take.

    Paul "Revere" Peterson
    Conservative Patriot
    Internet Columnist

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