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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    From a comment on a (none / 0) (#20)
    by JGillman on Tue Apr 02, 2013 at 09:57:00 PM EST
    FB thread linking to this article:

    "Darlene Dowling Thompson ~ IN MY OPINION, Grassroots and tea party folk joined the Republican party as they felt it best represented OUR stand on limited government, less taxation, the core values of the republican party and Biblical principles. It is NOT the Tea Party who fights the gop, it is the other way around.

    AND if one stands for what is right, these same stand against you. It is very frustrating when the goal has always been, and stands today, for what is best for our government on the local, state, and federal level. To them it's all about their little group and who's in charge.
    This is my perspective and MY subjective opinion. It is the Truth as I see it:

    On Saturday, March 30, 2013 Dennis Lennox POSTED on Dave Agema's page: " Coming from an ex-con who pals around with ignorant bigots like Dave Agema, who spew hatefulness and viciousness with every word they speak, it's quite the compliment. I'll do whatever it takes to expel your band of merry Know-Nothings from my Grand Old Party."

    Well, there we have it folks. Some of us always wondered why those in the "party" oftentimes work so hard against the Grass roots, Tea Party's, and other conservatives. Now we are on one thread called Birchers, Birthers, and Truthers by Mr. Lennox, in one broad stroke. Hardly the conservatives we are. WE are VOTERS and WE are TAXPAYERS who joined the Republican Party because we felt it best represented the basic core values of principles, limited government, and lower taxation.

    I cannot believe Dennis came with this sort of attitude all by himself. It is the prevailing attitude of MANY in the Republican Party of the same age group. Late twenties, and in their thirties, spoiled brats that came from an extremely selfish generation who feel they have an ownership of the Republican Party and will stop at nothing to shut others out. Not all, there are many fine young republicans no question, however there is a group who have this mindset that I have experienced first hand, in my own county.

    MOST of us are older, and believe it or not, much wiser than young Lennox who proclaims with his foul talk that he'd love to see William F. Buckley here in this day. IF Mr. Buckley were here in this day, he'd tell Mr. Lennox that his verbiage shows his lack of knowledge. For those who speak with such harsh abrasive words are ignorant, by Mr. Buckley's standard, and mine.

    This "attack" on Mr. Agema has nothing to do with the article he posted, from my perspective. IF it were, Mr. Lennox would not have enjoyed condemning those who support Mr. Agema's RIGHT OF FREE EXPRESSION, of views, ideas, or opinions.

    This "attack" on Mr. Agema is against ALL those who support a principled man, and share his values.

    Thanks Dennis for speaking out. There we have it laid bare on the table for all to see. My opinion. Thanks Jason for a great article."

    Thank YOU Darlene, for speaking your mind, unafraid of the unearned ridicule so many mixed up youngsters are willing to provide freely within our own party.

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