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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    OK, this begs question (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Mar 08, 2013 at 08:16:58 AM EST
    I'll be first to say that from what I know about Mr. Bos, I'd be glad to see, and support his campaign.

    Last election I was, and still would be strongly in support of Gary Glenn.

    They both are Alpha male.  That is definitely missing these days in politics, and silenced in our Michigan schools.  Frickin' toy soldiers?  I originally thought you gotta be s#!tting me until I got a gander of the principal.  Yup.  Happy Internationalists Wymmin's Day.  We will Barry you, while Comrade William smiles.

    But I digress.

    Anywho, before I engage into another campaign run from the Right at a Senate seat, one item needs to be cleared from the table if not now, real soon.

    All the assclowns on both sides, grassroots (you know who you are), and MIGOPe (we know who you are too), crying about a "coronation" attempt.

    What is a workable suggestion to avoid that crap again?  Is it ignoring those too weak to take advantage of every platform that is/was afforded to them as witnessed last election before they have chance to become crybabies again (Yes, I am referring to Konetchy)?

    Frankly, I really am not all that interested in squandering my time on a grassroots movement that gets so easily played by the wooden shoe mafia (Alticor clan) running their two ponies (Pete, and the old angry white habitual loser managed by Mr. 25 x 25, and his brother) with their limitless funding ability.

    Furthermore, it's a new game now with MDP chair Lon's old lady (Julianna Smoot) wired directly to the White House.

    Like I wrote, I'm open to suggestions here...

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