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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Dodd-Frank (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sat Sep 28, 2013 at 12:24:35 PM EST
    C.mon, the "Team R" voting canard?  Can you 'splain to me exactly what difference that would've effected in Detoilet.  Four word: Bill Milliken Coleman Young.  Team R propped up that cesspool Progressive's Utopia for decades like the pandering enablers they are.  But, but, but they would've been called - racisssss!  F#@% that old noise and the Socialist crackas pimping their one note bleat for decades too.

    Bankruptcy will be going through?  No doubt about that.  The goose sharting golden eggs was smothered by all involved, however, this is where the dust up on the LIBOR ties with Jones Day's Kevyn Orr come into play (it's linked in there).  So, now we have an Andy Dillon/Nerdholm picked bankruptcy shyster (on the NERD Fund dole) also a tax deadbeat Democrat, from the arena that knowingly gave loans (LIBOR manipulation) to looters and moochers of Detoilet who had no conceivable way of repaying the debt, now come in to Dodd-Frank everything (pensions & physical property) into the four banksters name?

    "...so people should feel comfortable with that."

    Pennies on the dollar, my ass.  It's the cheapest monies "invested" to in essence repeal the 13th I've seen to date.

    Most folks have no idea wtf is happening to us and they'll give a pass to slimy assclowns like the self-invented Nerd persona simply because Teh Nerdy Won is allegedly on the "Team R" side of the oligarch.

    "Grandstanding," says JenniRick Snydholm.  Oh look, another, "Echo".



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