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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

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    Do you support a con-con in 2010?

    Yes   0 votes - 0 %
    No   2 votes - 100 %
    Undecided   0 votes - 0 %
    2 Total Votes
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    Freedom (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Mon Dec 07, 2009 at 01:19:06 PM EST
    A con-con will ultimately result in a further reduction of individual freedoms and there is no way around it.  As if the power hunger progressives in Lansing hadn't already assumed enough power over our lives.

    I'm afraid that when progressives notice that the world has changed since 1963, it is because they feel individual liberties are clashing with needs of society in our brave new world.


    I fear that the hidden motivation behind a constitutional convention will be to make it easier for government to force its will upon its citizens (we citizens are no longer trustworthy to sacrifice our individual liberties for the benefit of the collective.)  There is nothing that I have seen yet that makes me believe that a con-con is necessary, and as such, we ought to fight any such suggestion tooth and nail.

    With this bunch no good can come from it. (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Dec 07, 2009 at 08:53:12 PM EST
    This group of Lansing insiders, elitists, and termed out legislators (Frank Kelley, Joe Schwarz, Harry Gast, Phil Power, Debbie Dingell, and John Hertel) had their agenda they wanted to push. They did not like constitutional amendments, Headlee's protection on property taxes, term limits (I agree with that aspect), give the governor much more power, raise taxes, eliminate recalls, and end elections of judges and
    This proposed Convention would be nothing but an attempt by the above mentioned to protect, enhance and expand their power, positions and reach into the lives of the citizens. Nothing would be done to protect or ensure freedom and liberty for WE THE PEOPLE. It would establish an aristocracy the same as we now have in Washington DC.
    Now I am not saying that I am against a Constitutional Convention but I believe we need to improve the US version in order to reset this country back to what the founders believed was good and right. We need more curbs on Government power and if anything needs regulation it is the Government of the United States. The Constitution has been diluted, polluted and bastardized for decades and it is time to put the power back in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE instead of the self styled and self appointed hereditary aristocracy we find ourselves stuck with. Examples being Karl Lenin, John Dingle, Robert Sheets Byrd and others that have made politicing a sordid career. I am in favor of term limits for all elected Federal office. Senator one six year term, Congress two two year terms and term limits for Federal Judges. No more life time appointments. A Federal judge whether on the Federal Circuit, Federal Court of Appeals and the Surpeme Court. The term shall not be for more then six years and then they are out. The Department of Education would be eliminated and the function of educating the children of a state shall lie with the state they reside in. The IRS will be eliminated as well. It has been used for the punishment and harrassment of the people of this country for to long. Just a few of the things I would like to see done. But there are others. Such as adding a recall amendment to the Constitution for all Federal elected offices including President and Vice-President.That might make the little dears a bit more responsive to the will of the people and committed to the promises they make to win votes and then conviently forget as soon as they finish taking the oath of office. Anybody else up for this?

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