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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Just For Being Here

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 13, 2014 at 10:15:29 AM EST
    Tags: Policy, Taxes, PPT, TPP, Business Equipment Tax, Luxury Tax, Private Property, Ownership, Budget Surplus, Michigan (all tags)

    Business is punished for operating in Michigan.

    Its actually been punished in 39 states as of 2012 by way of personal property tax on business.  Equipment, shelving, tools, furniture, etc..; bought, then taxed at 6%, then repeatedly taxed as 'wealth' like non-homesteaded property. In this way, business owners are told (as they are with smoking laws, work rules, and being converted to tax collectors) they really don't own JACK.  None of it is under any absolute control, and frankly if the Business owner doesn't make a buck?  They are still told to "Cough it up sunshine, you owe what you owe."

    Just for being here.

    And its not just the cost of having stuff laying around that punishes the Michigan entrepreneur.  As is the case with many government rules, its the cost of compliance. The Tax Foundation writes:

    "TPP taxation is "taxpayer active," meaning that individuals and businesses must fill out tax forms listing all of their taxable personal property, adding a compliance cost to the total cost of administering personal property tax. This is in contrast to real property taxation, which is "taxpayer passive": a statement valuing the land, improvements, and property tax owed is sent to property owners, alleviating compliance costs while adding some cost for government to administer the tax."
    In a nutshell; "here are your manacles, make sure you clasp them securely around both ankles.."

    But relief could be in sight soon. The state of Michigan will have a surplus.

    "The Senate Fiscal Agency projected $1.3 billion in increased revenue over a May 2013 estimating conference. House Fiscal pegged the number at $1.1 billion, while Treasury offered a more conservative $708 million, citing uncertainty over unclaimed Michigan Business Tax credits."
    The conservative estimate might be light, but the $1.3 billion surplus estimate easily reaches the $1.2 billion in PPT revenues each year.

    Given the compliance costs can be transformed into profitable effort of growing business, and the added incentive for business attraction, (particularly to manufacturing and its associated equipment expenses) job growth could well explode going forward.

    Its time for legislators to step up, and do a wholesale elimination of what has been considered (2nd only to the repealed MBT)  "the second dumbest tax in Michigan."

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Zero Tolerance

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jan 12, 2014 at 10:18:52 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Theft, Home Care, Fraud, SIEU, Bill Schuette, Graft, Corruption, Where Are The Charges? (all tags)

    Wondering why Jeniffer Granholm is still walking around a free woman tonight?

    Attorney General Bill Schuette on Friday announced felony charges against 11 individuals from across Michigan for allegedly abusing the Medicaid-funded Independent Living Services Program (Home Help Services Program). In many cases the defendants, who were often family members of the Medicaid beneficiaries, allegedly received checks for services rendered to the beneficiaries after they died.

    Schuette filed criminal charges against Ollie Brent, 59, of Pontiac; Marilyn Davis, 45, of Harper Woods; Janet Dixon, 59, of Grosse Pointe Woods; Anna Goree, 35, of Detroit; Theresa Hines, 40, of Marcellus; Kristina Jurek, 44, of Macomb; Selandra Jo Mitchell, 46, of Detroit; Marilyn Oakes, 57, of Muskegon;  Patricia Ann Tompkins, 65, of Roseville; Sherita Ware, 38, of Detroit; and Carla Williams, 44, of Pontiac.  All 11 defendants improperly received Medicaid funds intended to pay for home help services for Medicaid beneficiaries. In total, the 11 defendants defrauded the Medicaid program out of more than $60,000. Schuette says

     "Vulnerable adults across Michigan depend on Medicaid personal care services, but scammers who abuse the program threaten its integrity. The message is clear: we will not tolerate any form of health care fraud at the expense of patients and taxpayers."
    Damn straight!

    Now how about a little action for the 59,000 Home care workers who were defrauded of $35,000,000.00?


    (5 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    State Of The Statists

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jan 11, 2014 at 09:48:02 AM EST
    Tags: Up is Down, State of The State, Rick Snyder, Progressive Agenda (all tags)

    Next week Rick Snyder will put on his pre-superbowl ad.

    Like the 60 second ad purchased in certain markets for the Superbowl, his state of the state address is going to weave a tale of reform and success in Michigan.  He will no doubt AGAIN tout the end of the Michigan Business Tax, speak of regulatory reform, and MAYBE he will mention freedom to work.

    That last part of course, will be a clue as to how ready he is to defend it if necessary.

    The MBT, like burdensome regulations was a job killer.  It particularly hurt mom and pop businesses, and I applaud its removal.  The double taxation in some cases for the same output created a very non small-business friendly environment in the state.  It had to go, and it was one of the most positive legislative efforts in the last 4 years. Unfortunately it came with an added cost for some, instead of cutting costs for government.

    MLive says he will be talking about mental health:

    " The mental health issue is "primarily about the whole issue of diversion and treatment, because the real question is what can we do to help people who would otherwise end up in corrections?" Snyder said. "Can we do something to address the underlying issue more? That's really important." "
    Stop mollycoddling them?

    Unfortunately, mental health has its enemies in government. By driving apart through zealous entitlements and 'safety nets', our tax dollars have destroyed the futures of uncountable families for generations. By removing the ability of an individual to ply his or her craft through piles of red tape still growing, it retards singular achievements and discourages some to the point of crime or sloth. And through a distorted worldview of equality, enforced with the hammer of government, how in the hell can our kids ever know what is 'normal' again? They will feel the wrongness, but be told the 'rightness.'

    How could THAT go wrong?

    In the end, the governor will speak to the desires that polling and focus groups show Michigan is looking for in 2014.

    And THOSE desires will for the most part, be the harvest of the progressive seeds sown for too long.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Cushingberry Sends Andy Dillon to the Back of the Bus

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 10, 2014 at 08:47:14 PM EST
    Tags: George Cushingberry Jr., Blunts and Rum, Titty bars, Running from the Po-po, DPD, Chief Craig, City of Detoilet, Kevyn Orr, Transparency, Cronyism, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Andy Dillon, Obama donors (all tags)

    If it isn't sleazoid Dillon still making headlines, make room for George!

    Time to get on the stick, Mr. Orr.  It is noted that you all are Democrats still calling the shots within the Utopian downward spiral.

    Oh, and George, I got your Race Card℗ hanging for you - right here.

    Be proud of yourself, City of Detoilet. You demonstrate again there are 13,259 bona fide Useful Idiots.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    On Second Thought: Come to Michigan, Fatso

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 10, 2014 at 10:33:33 AM EST
    Tags: Pure Schadenfreude, Governors, Gang Of Polyps, Lying Liars, Chris Christie, John Ashcroft, Bernie Madoff, Slick Rick, Transparency, Snyder, Ardesta, The Flim-flam Man, Snydercaid, 2014, Same Snake Two Heads, Timing, Tilting at Windmills, MCEF & Larry Ward = DeVos cronies, Greg McNeilly, Yob-ites, Strategic National, Bike trail from Detroit to Wisconsin, Progressivism, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Andy Dillon, Obama donors, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    What better scenario could possibly happen for Unapologetic Conservatives, other than to have an East coast thug who strong-armed his way to chair the Republican Governors Association, flitting about The Mitten campaigning for the Nerd?

    Please visit I'm a man! I'm 41! for reason why Christie is useful.

    Folks, it's all about transparency, of which, as like with Christie, Rick Snyder's self-invented nerd persona is anything but transparent.

    I suppose the exit question should be: will the Boobus Michiganderus voters swallow a second term of Snyder abuse?

    Comments >>

    Well Stated, Mr. Murri

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 09, 2014 at 09:38:35 PM EST
    Tags: Ruth Johnson, Secretary of State, Transparency, State Senate, SB661, Reporting Requirements, Hidden Agendas, Force, Government, Compulsion, The Hammer, Cronyism, Timing, Greg McNeilly, MCEF & Larry Ward = DeVos cronies, Slick Rick, The Flim-Flam Man, NERD Fund, Rich Baird (all tags)

    via WXYZ

    Ruth is perhaps the only person I will be voting for this fall.

    Comments >>

    Sweet Deal

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 09, 2014 at 08:32:07 PM EST
    Tags: Andy Dillon, Rick Snyder, Treasurer, Democrats, Fundraising, Cronies, NERD Fund, Rich Baird (all tags)

    All the perks, but none of the responsibility.

    Apparently, its good to be Andy Dillon.  At least in terms of taking home a nice fat government sized paycheck. Snyder appointed the former top house Democrat, (remember this) Andy Dillon to the Michigan's top money collecting position in 2011, raising a few eyebrows from Republicans. In October of 2013, personal issues caused him to resign the six figure salaried position, again raising eyebrows; this time curious as to where he might end up.

    Assisting and advising the incoming treasurer was expected, but apparently its still going on, and its like he never left:

    "Dillon is being paid about $174,000 a year -- the same salary he received when he was treasurer.

    State Democrats believe Michiganders should be reimbursed.

    "Maybe in Rick Snyder's world it's okay to pay people not to work while giving outrageous bonuses to investment fund managers, but that's not the Michigan way," said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lon Johnson in a media release. "Rick Snyder and Andy Dillon should repay taxpayers for the money that Dillon was paid not to work. The people of Michigan have a right to expect that taxpayer resources will be used to build a stronger middle class, not to pay off political cronies." "

    What what what?

    First off Mr Johnson, it was YOUR wife who raised nearly a $billion to fund the 'Chicago Way' which was brought nationwide. Secondly, Dillon is one of your guys.

    Send Julianna over to his crib with a pledge card for Mark.

    He could use the company anyhow.

    Comments >>

    Schauer Goes On Welfare

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 08, 2014 at 09:07:48 AM EST
    Tags: Campaign Welfare, Mark Schauer, Rick Snyder, Transparency, Campaign Finance, Superbowl Bedtime Stories, The Futures So Bright I Gotta Wear Light Intensifiers, Punt (all tags)

    Mark Schauer's campaign for governor has been down to the public assistance office because he doesn't have enough money to pay the help.

    In an absolutely hilarious statement, his spokesperson explains the plight as NOT being needed for paying the help:

    Schauer spokesman Zack Pohl said the campaign has "every day expenses" such as offices, employees and materials to pay for and denied the request for public funding was a sign of a fundraising weakness for Schauer seven months before the primary.

    "It's fairly common on the Democratic side, especially when you have a wealthy opponent like Rick Snyder," Pohl said.

    Nah.  Its fundraising weakness.

    Schauer isn't seen a good investment, even though he is all the Dems have, and that isn't saying much. In the meantime, if the political welfare check doesn't arrive on time, you can bet the operations will be done out of a cold cardboard box with a few less employees. Economic reality folks.

    And in other news, Governor Rick Snyder will spend half a million smackers to persuade folks what a good job he has done:

    " Records reviewed by the Free Press show the Snyder campaign has purchased $400,000 worth of TV air time during the Feb. 2 Super Bowl with Fox affiliate WJBK-TV (Channel 2) and $18,000 worth of ad time on the Lansing Fox affiliate, WSYM-TV (Fox 47). Though full details were not available, the purchases are part of a statewide buy for a 60-second spot. "
    And 60 second spots are made for telling stories.

    Snyder and Schauer BOTH have interesting pasts with regard to finance reporting though. The nerd fund, with its 'Mysterious' donors, and Mark Schauer with Campaign finance irregularities

    Yup.  Peas in a pod.

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