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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Crumbling US Automotive Industry Will Be Granholm Legacy

    By Chad, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jun 05, 2009 at 10:59:09 AM EST
    Tags: Granhom, Cherry, Automotive, Detroit (all tags)

    Governor Jennifer Granholm will be remembered as the governor who stood back and watched as Detroit imploded.  Tantamount to Nero fiddling as Rome burned.  No one will blame John Engler and no one will blame George W. Bush. The blame will be placed squarely on her shoulders and hers alone.

    She will be remembered for her multiple trips to Japan to meet with Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and other foreign car companies while the big three were gasping for breath back in the United States.

    People will remember her political posturing and finger pointing at President Bush scolding him for not meeting with Ford, GM or Chysler.  All the while her administration never did the same and ignored the Big Three.

    The image of her standing next to President Obama and smiling while his administration systematically took over and dismantled General Motors and Chrysler was shoved toward foreign ownership once again will be seared into the minds if Michigan residents for years to come.

    The elimination of Pontiac and the sale of Hummer to a Chinese company will rest at her feet, along with hundreds of supplier bankruptcies.

    The collusion between her and her Washington colleagues as they aggressively grilled automotive executives on national television while letting bank executives off the hook without so much as a press conference will be long remembered.  

    The ousting of Michigan Congressman John Dingell from the House Energy committee and the subsequent announcement of higher CAFE standards as a result will be seared into the minds of former automotive industry workers, both blue collar and white.

    This sad unfortunate period in Michigan history will be the Granholm Legacy.  She will not be able to escape it and neither will we for years to come.

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    It's Not Entirely Granholm's Fault... (none / 0) (#1)
    by kenmatesevac on Fri Jun 05, 2009 at 12:16:58 PM EST
    Most of it is, of course, as you described.  But the rest falls on the feet of those who voted for her and her Democratic enablers in the Legislature and Congress.

    Granholm's Presence Will Be Felt For A Long Time (none / 0) (#2)
    by steve on Fri Jun 05, 2009 at 11:05:21 PM EST
    Not only will she be remembered for her help destroying the auto industry. She will also be remembered for her blocking of real electric generating capacity (coal and nuclear).

    I'm afraid the biggest thing she will be remembered for is signing over our state to Obama. When she begged for every penny of 'stimulus' money, she implicitly signed over our state to him. If we manage to put a Republican in the Governors office, the Obama mafia will demand that he or she follow his orders or 'The One' will demand his money back.

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