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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Just Do Nothing!

    By Wendy Day, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 24, 2009 at 07:57:37 AM EST
    Tags: tea party, budget, gitmo (all tags)

    I saw a report on the news that the Republicans and Democrats in Washington are trying to find some sort of compromise on health care they can push through, just to say they did something.  

    How about this, if you don't have a good plan, do nothing. Leave it alone. Sometimes no action is better than bad action.  

    Yes, it is an election year.  But you have my permission to set this issue aside and work on something else, like say, a balanced budget.

    As for here in Michigan, there are urgent issues to be addressed. But in the middle of the trees, don't miss the forest.  Our State needs a House and Senate that will stand up to Washington.  We need folks who will stand against the unconstitutional imposition of laws on Michigan citizens.  We are married to a Federal Government that has gotten out of hand. It is time to push back.

    While citizens can and should shout and protest what is happening in Washington, it is up to you, our elected officials to stand up for us legislatively.  Here are some questions I have:

    1. What Federal programs can we opt out of?  

    2. Why do the political elite allow a gang of nine make laws and rewrite the constitution with no consequences?  Are we not a representative republic? Stand up to these bullies in black robes.

    3.  Why is it even an option to have Gitmo criminals dumped into Michigan?  Don't we have enough problems? Just say no!

    During a crisis it is easy to forget the big picture, but the long term legacy of our political leaders is being formed right now.  

    It is time for courage in the Michigan Legislature. Whether you are a conservative, a conservative gone astray, or a DINO, go back and read the constitution of our state and our country and then stand up!  Stand up for all of us.  Lead.  Be Brave.

    We really do need you to be our champion.  We need you to take up the sword of truth and slice through the fog of compromise and mediocre leadership.  The stakes are too high to do anything else.

    < Activist Training | Detroit citizens seek return of funds taken by film producers >

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    OOOHH RAHHHHH!!!!! (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 12:08:00 PM EST
    Semper Fi, CF, Semper FI!!!

    Oh, and thank you ever so much Wendy!

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