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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Endorsement for 105th District State House Seat

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 01, 2010 at 07:08:29 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, 105th district, State house, Greg MacMaster, Endorsement (all tags)

    We are in the midst of a series of crisis that calls for absolute understanding in the primary cycle where the conservatives and moderates stand.  Never have we had to consider absolutes in such a way that a yes or no question was imperative as today.  

    YES or NO..  Taking a stand and committing to principle, instead of some wishy washy nuanced approach that is designed to maximize votes and not hurt any feelings.  True conservative principle that has no room for an intrusive government. Our leaders need to be transparent in their core convictions, the part of them which drives their actions on our behalf.

    They also need to be upstanding.

    But imperfection is not the end of a person's career, it merely shows that man is flawed.  What we do to improve ourselves, to own up to our mistakes, and commit to correction, is what can make us even better.  Responsibility to bettering oneself is a requirement to lead others by example. We grow by learning from our failings, but only if we take ownership of them. I know someone who has done and is still doing this.

    Secondly, a firm stand on what is right for the citizens being served is critical for effective representation.  A passionate interest in preserving rights and sovereign interest for the people of Michigan and the 105th district state house is validated by two simple questions I asked:

    "Would you suport efforts in the house to reaffirm states rights?" and " if you were there now, would you vote to invalidate the federal health care bill?"

    On both counts from the man I would recommend, the answer was an immediate YES and YES.

    These are simply two questions we should be asking ANY of the primary contenders who would represent the Republican party come November.

    My advice for the voters of the 105th district house seat would be to choose Greg MacMaster to represent them.  Not because he was the weather guy, but because he WAS the weather guy.  He held a position he did not have to give up.  He voluntarily left a position of considerable positive exposure to try to become a servant of the citizens of the 105th.  

    For him, it is not a step up but a call to duty. Something he is familiar with as a veteran with overseas experience.  And as he has worked with responders, police and fire officials in his private and public life, he can bring a proper perspective culled from a variety of experiences necessary to running the proper functions of the state.

    This is my official PERSONAL endorsement of Greg MacMaster.  May he, as the best candidate, win the Republican primary for the House 105th.

    Please note this does not necessarily represent the views of the owner of Right Michigan and is merely that of this author

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    Endorsement (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Thu Apr 01, 2010 at 09:59:10 PM EST

    You have restored my faith in human kind!  I saw Greg's announcement on the WATZ radio site and was a little wary to say the least because I didn't know which side of the fence he was running on and I didn't check his website.   Conservative - blew me away!  Even though TC is on the small side of the tv demographic but is the largest metropolis in northern Michigan I thought he would come out as a democrat.  We moved six years ago so it has been some time since I have seen him or heard him.

    I will be sure to throw a donation his way as I always liked him as a weather guy and now I will root for him to win the 105th!  

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