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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Republicans get SERVED.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 03:07:50 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Snyder, Obama, Moderates, Milquetoast governance, Republicans, Democrats, public private partnerships (all tags)

    Tis true...  The Republicans in congress have just been 'served'.

    Rear ends on a platter, placed at a disadvantage, made to look mushy..yada yada.  Republicans lost an advantage to the president last night because they don't yet understand that some things have deeper meanings.

    Ronald Reagan said it best when he asked:

    "Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?"

    So following the election of November 2010, and the clarified will of the people, it would seem an opportune time to demonstrate that new clarity in a bold and cutting manner.  The smallest section of the legislative chambers reflecting who was shown to be on the wrong side of the country with regard to their legislative maneuvering on such things as health care, energy, and social policy.  It could have been so clear in the televised fashion, that change did indeed happen.

    First, from a more free market type of economy, to a top down planned one.  Then from a majority in the house to a decisive minority as a result of that very move.

    Bold differences separate the lunacy on the left to the conservative ideals of the right.  And it happens here as well. (more below)

    Lansing also changed in 2010.  We gained leverage in the state house and senate.  Seemingly at first, a complete roll, but we are now seeing some of the same central planning practices used by the new governor's predecessors. The worsening of those being made by proposed expansions in what are being called "partnerships".

    Public / Private Partnerships.

    That mushy in between of government trying to do it, but needs the legitimacy of REAL business results to justify the expense.  Something that appeals to the capitalist streak in a politico, yet provides a feel good doing-it-for-the-good-of-the-community tushy warmer.  The excuse to spend like a business pro, without the risk to personal fortune, and lay it out as a JOB CREATOR.

    Indeed, the executive himself has had a great deal of experience in business, being on the side of the business recipient, in the realm of public largess.  He designed the very program that inserts the will of bureaucrats into the marketplace.  His creation, not unlike many around the country provides a very liberal programming attempt at planning who succeeds, and who does not.  Amazingly, Mr Snyder would still exclaim "we need to stop picking winners," as he oh-so accurately pins the taxpayer funded tail on the donkey of enterprise in Michigan.

    And that gray in between area that some folks call 'moderation', a not-quite fully liberal Democrat, and certainly not conservative Republican, is accepted as ok dokey by the party currently in the legislature.

    As queried in another post previously:

    "Does this mean scraping all business taxes?  Becoming a right-to-work state?  Does it mean a rigorous review of every state regulation currently on the books to ensure none block or seriously hinder economic growth?  Perhaps."

    The end result of the November election could not possibly be mistaken as a "lets take the bad milquetoast governance and expand upon it," but rather "make the bold and necessary decisions to properly apply the peoples' will."

    The moderate way has gotten the Republican party served repeatedly in the last 80 years.  The moderate Republicans have  not served the proper role of government well, and made way for the 'progressive' changes that plague us now in a poor tax policy, demonstrable failure to adhere to individual rights, and a nation and state going broke.

    Going along with a getting-along non-partisan scenario is bad business.   If the voters want liberal policies, they will elect liberal Democrats.  If they see no difference, they will likely go with the professionals.  The folks who elected the 'conservative slate' are already rightfully concerned their efforts have been marginalized by a shrewd president who understands how to dismiss the power of majorities with sleight of hand. In Washington DC, it may have set the president's agenda  up to be perceived as acceptable by the legislative body as a whole, because there was no delineation in ranks.

    In Lansing, it is the blind acceptance of failed moderate policies that could lose the next house to the Democrats in 2012 for the Republicans.

    < Just Tinkering Around the Edges? | Repeal the 17th >

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    Truly pathetic (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 04:50:40 PM EST
    Allow me...  Pot meet kettle, kettle, Pot.

    Lansing-- President Barack Obama delivered a "good message" in his State of the Union address Tuesday, Gov. Rick Snyder said today.

    "It was good to hear about bipartisanship, innovation and deficit reduction,"

    I hope that both of these assclowns are one term.


    Also today, House Speaker Jase Bolger, R-Marshall, said on the program that making Michigan a "right to work" state is among the debates the state must have as legislators strike to increase competitiveness.

    "It is one of the issues that has been taken off the table unfortunately ... because it's uncomfortable to talk about," Bolger said.

    What kind of dipsh!t emasculated answer is that?  Uncomfortable?!?!  Howza 'bout its uncomfortable for us to pay your ass to be in Lansing to not do The Peoples will?

    Fuggin' pu$$y.

    Now, for my surprised look...

    Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, said on the program it's a time for pragmatism and improving things for the long term. That includes working on initiatives Snyder talked about in his State of the State address last week and Obama discussed in his speech last night, she said.

    And there it is.  The Dims can't tell the difference between Jug Husein Ears and the Nerd.  Now, WTF was it that Norm Shinkle was wise cracking about Mark Brewer again?  Yah, something about snakes and blowing smoke.

    Not one damned penny to the MI-GOP from me.  They've learned nothing.

    Perhaps it's time... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Crippy on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 05:23:28 PM EST
    to divorce ourselves from the two dominant parties.  I know this is unpopular and some would say dangerous, but everywhere we turn, with very few exceptions, the republicans turn out to be dem-lites.  They want to drive the car off of the cliff at 90 mph instead of 100 mph.
    "other eligible individual" too? (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 06:02:55 PM EST

    I'm gonna change my address to a gummint employees address.

    Commissioner Charles Blockett Jr. said he voted in favor of the change after considerable "soul searching."

    The benefit extension was "negotiated in good faith" and "in today's society, health care benefits, it's not a luxury, it's a necessity," he said.

    Commissioners Andrew Abood and Robert Swanson also voted in favor.

    Commissioner Thomas "Mac" Wardrop, who was elected the new chairman Wednesday, was opposed. He said he can't justify extending additional benefits to non-employees when the state's non-union employees were denied a promised 3 percent pay increase that was supposed to take effect last October.

    The commission voted to extend the "other eligible individual" benefits to non-union employees as well.

    Now, meet the sumb!tches that voted.

    Health benefits for same-sex partners were negotiated shortly before Michigan voters approved a 2004 ballot initiative that defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
    In 2008, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled the ballot initiative banned public benefits for same-sex partners.

    As a result, officials reworked agreements to scrap references to same-sex benefits and instead extended benefits to "other eligible individuals"

    Yep, 'We the People' say, "NO!" by vote, by court, and it is totally dis-fugging-regarded by a handful of governmental appointed "diversity" parasites controlled by special interest.

    Sick.  Just sick.

    This state (none / 0) (#7)
    by grannynanny on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 06:35:55 PM EST
    is looking at an almost $2 billion dollar deficit and these a$$hats just piled on how many more millions with same sex health benefits?  

    I am beyond pissed - but our anger and concerns fall on deaf ears.

    Our votes don't count and the Michigan Supreme Court's decision is ignored.  

    I am sure Syndholm is on board with this bull$hit coming from Michigan's version of San Francisco and all.  

    I am at a complete loss.............

    Kevin (none / 0) (#9)
    by grannynanny on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 07:06:54 PM EST
    Rick Snyder is a complete and total Democrat parading around without the mole and pantsuit.  Michigan is so screwed. I have no faith in anyone purporting to be conservative in the Republican party anymore.  They can all go to hell.  I am all done with donating to the (r)'s.  I am sick and tired of these farces.  

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