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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    "Sincere, but they were about the past." or something like that

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 09, 2011 at 11:03:23 PM EST
    Tags: John Dingell, Governor Granholm, City of Detroit, Eminen, Hype, Hypocrisy, Governor Snyder, Stone Age Republicans (all tags)

    It sure didn't take long for the Dingellosaurus to do the Walk Back.

    "I have a tremendous amount of confidence in Mayor Bing, and my comments about Detroit yesterday were a reflection on past Administrations that helped dig the hole the city finds itself in, not on the current Administration that is trying desperately to get the city out of the hole.  I am and always have worked for the betterment of the City and its people, and I intend to continue that course..."

    Okay, Bing deserved the feigned apology.  But.  That wasn't what Johnny was "sniping".  Dingell was blatantly "targeting" Governors.  Unmistakably that'd have to point to fellow Democrat Governor Jennifer Granholm.  Not to mention Dingells' reference to all "Stone-Agers" err, Conservative Republicans.

    Oh, Johnny... is there anything that he won't say?

    Johnny's famous March 23, 2010 Obummercare "Control the People"?

    See, it was just a Homer Simpson proportioned Doh!  ...and, everyone's BS detector went off across the nation on that Dingellosaurus Walk Back.

    Ironically, Johnny chose to close his butt-smooch to Mayor Bing, or more likely, the folks from Detroit that happened to move into his district to flee Detroit's Public Schools with the epitome of today's hype and hypocrisy.

    "Together, through hard work and sacrifice, Detroit will succeed. As Eminem distinctively said in the Chrysler 200 Super Bowl ad that we all love, `It's what we do.'"

    Eminem?  Now, that's some classic representation for Detroit, Democrats and the UAW owned and foreign managed.

    Foisting crap on others and their children, but not under their roof?  Indeed Johnny, it is like a Democrat, "It's what they do."

    < Johnny, it's your fellow Democrats ideology that's failed | Money, money, money, money...monnnney! >

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