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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Now We're Talking

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 19, 2011 at 09:12:19 PM EST
    Tags: RTW, Right-To-Work, Michigan, Nolan Finley, Top Ten States (all tags)

    Mr Nolan Finley, your words in today's column could not ring truer. Michigan does need to step it up even more.  It needs to be among the best.  We ARE hungry.  We ARE ready:
    The only way to put food on tables, people back to work and money in classrooms is to make business welcome here. The surest way to do that is to create a friendlier climate.

    That's what the states in the Top 10 have done. Led by Texas at No. 1, the 10 best are all right-to-work states, all have strategically courted employers with competitive tax rates and sensible regulations, and all are creating jobs and growing household incomes.

    The first part being business taxes, check.  Regulations being reigned in, check.

    Will our leadership step up to the rest?

    Only if we keep the pressure on.

    Get those answers from your state senators and reps.  Yesterday.

    Update [2011-5-19 21:17:47 by JGillman]: You know.. Cut and paste that line about the ten best states to your reps.

    Also don't forget my original request.

    < Here I Am, Rock You Like A Herman Cain | Snyder Budget: $900 Million To Illegal Aliens >

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    Many Republicans seem to be going squishy on (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Fri May 20, 2011 at 05:30:32 AM EST
    public school funding (aka raises for the education aristocrats). According to what I read, also in yesterday's Detroit News, they seem to be leaning toward only a $100.00 "per pupil" reduction in school aid because of their new found windfall "revenues":

    http://detroitnews.com/article/20110519/POLITICS02/105190404/-1/ARCHIVE/Snyder--legislature-could-re duce-K-12-cuts

    Looks like people who no longer have kids in public schools, pensioners, get to help pay for aristocrat's raises. From each according to government's perception of their ability......


    Heh. Was wondering how all... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri May 20, 2011 at 09:46:08 AM EST
    ...the "Top 10" talk got its start that Nolan ran with.

    Michigan's economy is growing but needs help from the private sector to share knowledge and create jobs, Gov. Rick Snyder told members of Inforum Michigan Thursday at the group's annual meeting here.

    The state's main focus is on making the Great Lakes State a more attractive place to do business -- from the repeal of the Michigan Business Tax that will reduce the tax load on businesses to the creation of the Office of Regulatory Reinvention to reform and streamline the number of state rules, Snyder said.

    Snyder, a former venture capitalist and president of personal computer maker Gateway Inc., said he wants to reinvent Michigan so it is No. 1 or among the Top 10 "in every aspect," from job creation to education.

    Creating jobs and keeping young professionals in Michigan are two key goals for Snyder's administration.

    "One thing we haven't done well is groom the next generation for leadership," he said.

    Ya, buddy.... Gov. Snyder is gonna lean on business in the process of getting to that top 10 til they're up to their elbows in organized labor.  Hmmmm, now where have I heard something so, so, so JFKish?  Wait a minute... it was this.

    And with a Pure Michigan wink of his eye to the unions, Gov. Snyder closed his speech in subtle narcissism...

    Snyder said he and his staff have worked hard in Lansing to improve business and economic conditions.

    "My goal for the first 182 days in office was to work in dog years," Snyder said, adding that his first six months in office have required the equivalent of four years of work.

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