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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Kalkaska County Cleanup...

    By retvet242, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jan 15, 2012 at 08:35:45 PM EST
    Tags: Kalkaska Tea Party, Michigan, Conservatives, Prosecutor, Court, sheriff (all tags)

    The immediate future of the Kalkaska Tea Party and Citizens for Better Government...

    We will not be going away...

         The sudden death of Brian Donnelly has changed the focus of our mission to restore responsible government to Kalkaska County...As I understand the protocol, the 46th Circuit Court judges will appoint an interim  Prosecutor after a public notice for applicants for the position...the hearings leading to the appointment will be public, and are input will be required to ensure we do not end up with a Donnelly 'clone', the appointee will have a serious advantage in the upcoming election...

        I will attempt to get ALL applicants for the job to appear at our meetings for Q & A in a "Town Hall" type environment, so folks can make an informed decision as to whom to support for this appointment...our support of any candidate will go a long way toward influencing the actions of the Court,  and those of the eventual appointee...it will also serve to put the entire County legal system on notice that SOMEONE is paying attention to them now, and the people of Kalkaska County expect open government from all public servants henceforth...

        As this effort on our part proceeds, we also need to support any District Commissioner that has been placed on the recall ballot by Donnelly and his Democrat minions...this will be the primary objective regardless of who is installed as County Prosecutor...we will also need to find two more conservative candidates to replace Mike Cox, and Craig Woods, who (as of my current knowledge) will not seek re-election...these individuals will also be invited to seek our support at future meetings...

        Finally, the last links in the chain will be the County Sheriff, and at least one Circuit Judge...I know of two possible candidates for Sheriff, and last I heard, Brian Donnelly was going to run for Judge...abandoning the Prosecutor's office ...We are now presented with a unique opportunity to change County government in one election cycle, and thus the future of Kalkaska County...

        So our work is far from over, and I believe that we can make a significant contribution to the future of Kalkaska, and set an example for other regions across the State...our efforts have alreaady made a difference, and now is not the time to relax and assume the fight is over...it is just beginning...continue your support of the Tea Party and Citizens for Better Government...

    Freedom and Liberty start in your own backyard...

    Tom Backers
    KTTP &
    Citizens for Better Government

    < Brian Donnelly | Snyder appoints David Fischer to Judicial Tenure Commission - BWMK part II >

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