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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By pauldpeterson, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 12, 2012 at 08:47:33 AM EST
    Tags: tax the rich, tax debate, Republicans, Democrats, fiscal cliff (all tags)

    This is the case that needs to be made, post haste. The case of...


    If taxes destroy, and the rich employ, then taxing the rich is an attack on the middle-class and upward mobility. Read on...

    Rush is getting dangerously close to letting the cat out of the bag...

    I don't know why I seem to be the only one that sees this, but all the talk shows seem to dance around the real issue when it comes to this tax revenues debate, instead of make the concise case about the state of things. They all say it's a spending problem, and that's true. Of course, how to stop spending is the trick, which must include stopping the government's ability to get it's hands on money, meaning, removal of it's ability to acquire more debt. When you squander an investor's money, will he give you more? How about if you say, "Oh, I'll do better with it this time, and I'll even cut spending AFTER you give me the money"? The answer is NO! You may even get sued for spending it on things OTHER than what you claimed in your business plan. But I digress...

    The case not being made is simple. It is long held fact that taxes destroy. The word "tax" itself means "burden". So, if taxes are a burden, then taxes destroy what they tax, lessening the activity upon which they're levied. To understand what taxes on the rich do, one must understand what the rich do. The rich build companies, hire people, invest their money; upon investment of their money, it doesn't just sit in a bank. Banks loan it out to build homes, start businesses (for middle class folks becoming entrepreneurs). Investments in Wall Street do not just enrich those who work there; that money circulates in the economy by going to a seller of shares, who is likely selling to realize a capital gain to make a large purchase, like a home, boat, car, etc. (Home builders need buyers too.) This all adds up to the middle class being employed by the rich, and using the monies of the rich on deposit with the banks or swimming in the economy to use to build their own wealth. This adds up to upward mobility of the middle-class. Therefore, taxing the rich is an attack on the middle class (whose benefactors are the rich). Understand, Barack Obama is wanting to tax the rich in the name of helping the middle class. In reality, it is he who is attacking the middle class. The graduated tax rates themselves also hinder upward mobility because the more you make, they more they take, and at some point most people think it is not worth the trouble of the extra taxes, unless they find sudden success. This is how stupid the electorate has become.

    So, if taxing the rich is really an attack on the productive (middle-class), then what's the role of the unproductive, the poor? Well, they just need to get off their dead asses and work for a living. Most of them are completely able to do so. They will never be successful hurting the rich; they will never become wealthy by redistributing wealth; in fact, they remove their own opportunities for jobs by burdening the rich. They need to swallow their pride, understand that in a society with equal opportunities, outcomes will never be the same; therefore, humbly as the rich for employment and get back to an honest day's pay for an honest day's work. Then they can join the middle-class, save their own money and build their own wealth, and perhaps, with a flat tax, they can actually accumulate some wealth over their lifetimes. But I digress again...

    Conclusion and defeat of Leftist claims...
    If taxes destroy, and taxing the rich is an attack on the productive middle-class, are Republicans really the party of the rich? No, actually, they are the party of upward mobility for all. They are the party of growth. They are the party of the commoner realizing his potential in a classless society, who still has compassion for the disabled, the wounded veteran, and the truly needy, since they are also (supposed to be) the party of morality, and a moral people takes care of it's weak through charity in its proper measure locally, not through government. (An argument can be made that too much charity is bad too, y'know.)

    It is a backward era in America, because this means that the Dems who claim they're for the poor and middle class are actually for the rich. Their leaders are rich, and they don't want common riff-raff to join them in wealth. Wealth means power and independence to the individual. They don't want that; they want power over you, while telling you all the while the conservatives do. How can any of you believe what they say, not recognizing what they do in the context of how the world works? See, they don't want you thinking about that; they want you emoting with jealousy, fear, vengeance, anger, and hatred, which comes from the brain stem, not higher brain function. NEWSFLASH: The Democrats are the party of hatred and the immoral rich!

    This case needs to be made by leadership. This case needs defense. This case needs to be implemented, and the time is now!!

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    The message (none / 0) (#1)
    by JGillman on Wed Dec 12, 2012 at 09:07:35 AM EST
    Indeed, if Republicans wish to remain strong, they must control the message.

    To do so however, it is incumbent upon them to live it as well.

    Good post.

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